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Unanswered Questions

168 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Contrast Hol Hamo'ed Torah readings for Pesach vs. Hol Hamo'ed Succot

I realize that the sacrifice for each day of Succot was different, whereas on Pesach they were the same for all days of Pesach. Somehow, this affects the Torah reading during Hol Hamo'ed. For ...
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0 answers

Discussing the Exodus in the Messianic Age

The Mishna (Berakhot 1:5) records a disagreement between Shimon ben Zoma and the sages as regards the interpretation of a word in Deuteronomy 16:3. There, the verse says that one should recall the ...
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0 answers

Buying kitniyot during Pesach

I have tried, with difficulty, to find good Halachic information about kitniyot on Pesach for those who eat kitniyot (there's plenty of information for those who don't), specifically about whether it ...
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Selling Hametz on Amazon FBA during Passover

A man sells Hametz products on The goods are physically located in Amazon's warehouses - fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), shipped and sold throughout Passover. The weekly sales are significant ...
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0 answers

Making bedikas chometz early -- ossur in malacha, eating, learning?

When someone leaves their home within 30 days of Pesach without someone to be bodek it from chometz, they themselves have to be bodek it early (See Siman 436.) In the normal case of bedikas chometz ...
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0 answers

Matzah Shemurah on the 8th day of Pesaḥ (in the Diaspora)

According to those who hold that there is a Kiyyum Mitzvath 'Aseh DeOraitha (a fulfillment of a positive Biblical commandment) every time one eats a KeZayith (olive size's worth) of Matzah on Pesaḥ, ...
4 votes
1 answer

Israeli attending second seder Motzaei Shabbat - How should he behave during Kiddush?

If an Israeli attends your 2nd Seder this year, when it's Motzaei Shabbat, how should he behave at your Seder table for the 1st cup of wine? You will do a combo Kiddush / havdalah. He does no Kiddush ...
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0 answers

Can you taste-test multiple brands of matzah, even if your custom is not to eat matzah before Passover begins?

There is a common practice not to eat matzah preceding Pesach, either on erev Pesach or in the weeks before. The reason for this is so that matzah will be eaten on the Seder night with gusto. Faced ...
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0 answers

Does anyone know the nusach for אפפוני חבלי מות that is sung in the movie Simon Magus?

I haven't seen the whole movie Simon Magus. It depicts 19th-century Poland. I saw a scene where a Pesach Seder is held. They're saying Hallel and I've never heard that melody for Psalm 116. They start ...
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0 answers

What is the specific act that cooks wheat into matzoh (and where does this leave Wondra)?

My housemates saw the hechsher on a box of matzoh, and posed a question that I think I know the answer to, but I don't know why. They asked: could Wondra flour ('precooked' flour) be kosher for ...
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0 answers

Seder night songs

In the מגיד section of the הגדה does anybody know if there are any songs/tunes for: יכול מראש חודש מעשה של ברבי אליעזר Any part of the section starting צא ולמד רבי יוסי הגלילי up to דינו
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0 answers

What was the original Torah reading in Israel on 16th Nissan?

The currently practiced Torah reading in Israel for the first day of Chol Hamoed Pesach is identical to that read in the Diaspora on the same day (where it is the second day of Yom Tov) namely ...
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0 answers

Where is the missing altar?

Each year a a group of individuals receive news coverage (for example here) for attempting to enter the Har Habayit to bring the Pesach Offfering. (They are stopped by the police.) Since the Korban ...
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0 answers

How could the law of marrying the rape victim ever be implemented?

I ask this in good faith as I am religious. How is it possible for this situation to come about? If you claim the rapist must receive a punishment via the fines, then we know that at least two ...
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0 answers

Wild rice and Pesach

Wild rice (AKA as crazy oats) contrary to its names is not in fact rice or oats. It is in fact a member of the same tribe as rice but is a different genus. According to Wikipedia they're nut directly ...

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