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Unanswered Questions

285 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Who where these commentaries of the book chovot Halevavot?

BH Who where these comentaries Pat Lechem, Marpe La Nefesh, and Tov Halevanon? And is Tov Halevanon the same as Lev Tov on Chovot Halevavot? Also heard there is also Nedar Bakodesh on Chavot Halevavot ...
3 votes
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Connection between 5 books of the Torah and the 5 Megillot?

The megillot are read on different occasions in the year: Shir HaShirim on Pesach Rut on Shavuot Eicha on Tisha b'Av Kohelet on Sukkot Esther on Purim Do any mefarshim find a connection between the ...
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Is it true the Ari said that if there is hate of one scholar to another it's because they're from the same shoresh?

Is it true that the Ari said that if there is hate from two talmidei chachamim this is because they're from the same shoresh neshama?
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Reading "Shigyonot" as insanity - Ramak Or Ne'erav

ג) ומתעסק במעשה מרכבה, מי אמר לו, אלימא משום שגיונות לימא שאר מילי אורייתא שגם בהם שייך שגגה:,_PART_I_4.15 In this section of אור נערב the רמק goes back and forth on ...
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Would Torah consider kundalini awakening as Avoda Zara or is there a kosher equivilant that can be found in Jewish mysticism also?

BH Is kundalini awakening considered Avoda Zara or is there a kosher equivalent that can be found in Jewish mysticism also?
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Is there an English Translation available of the Maamer Nefesh HaShfeilah by the Alter Rebbe?

BH Is there an English Translation available of the Maamer Nefesh HaShfeilah by the Alter Rebbe available online?
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Help for a Gentile in quoting Tanach

My daughter has a friend, Abigail, who is about to have her Bat Mitzvah, which unfortunately she can't attend. We wanted to make a gift for her that would make her feel special on this important day ...
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What is Omek Rom and omek Tachat in Chassidus

BH What is omek Rom and omek tachat in Chassidus how are both connected?
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Why is Matan Torah written multiple times in the Torah (with different details..)

It seems like the Torah records the story of Moshe going up to get the Torah in parshas yisro and in parshas mishpotim, I noticed different people mentioned regarding who went up with Moshe, also in ...
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Is there a Halacha that says that you shouldn’t stretch in public?

BH Is there a consept in Halacha that says that a person shouldn't stretch in public(ie. to keep it together in public)
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Mikva Erev Shabbat (for men) - looking for a detailed work on this practice

I would like to learn everything there is to learn about the practice of men going to mikva (immersing one's body in a ritual pool) on erev shabbat (Friday afternoon). I am not looking for a sif katan ...
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How should a Jew deal with a haunting?

I know that the historical view on ghosts in Judaism is mixed. That being said, there does exists a belief in certain types of Ashkenazi folklore regarding a dybbuk. The belief is these being spirits ...
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Angel with 2 missions?

Regarding the angel that Yaacov wrestled, Radak on Bereshit 32:26 says that Yaacov Avinu was hit with limping as a punishment, midda k'negged midda, for not trusting in Hashem enough: היה לו זה מאת ...
2 votes
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Parshas Vayechi: The impurity of Philistim

The Shivlei Pinches (Parshas Vayechi, 5774) shares an incredible idea about the spiritual impurity/kelipah of the Philistim (Hebrew here). The Shivlei Pinches explains, regarding Shimshon HaGibor, ...
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Sha'arei Orah - Self-Contradictory?

Sha'arei Orah (Gates of Light) is a book by Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla. It is a book of kabbalah and features an in-depth discussions on the attributes of each sefirah. However, many of its statements (at ...

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