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Unanswered Questions

159 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Lifting up the holy sparks - The Ari on Mitzrayim

Lifting up the holy sparks is also known as nitzotzos dikedushah (see footnote 10, see also this answer). I recently saw this article quoting the Ari HaKodesh in saying that the work the Jewish People ...
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A Meta reason for the two spellings of Binyomin

The word בנימן is spelt בנימין when he is born, this spelling is used around ten times. Otherwise, it is spelt with one י, why is this? I am not looking for a pshat answer. I am looking for a Drosh or ...
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2 answers

Did Nachmanides believe the Shechinah is God, and uncreated?

I heard couple claims that Nachmanides had the belief that the Shechinah is not a caused and distinct emanation but rather God himself or even a person (hypostasis), the Artscroll edition of Ramban's ...
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There are at least 3 english translations of Sha'ar HaGilgulim with the same cover, but different page lengths and publishers. What's the difference?

Edit added at bottom of page. I have the one from Eichlers with 918 pages, but I noticed these others, and I am wondering if the one I own is missing chapters or pages of the translation that another ...
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Remote Viewing and Judaism

I’m fascinated to know if there are any kabbalistic ideas and/or aggadic references in chazalic literature that refer to or discusses the idea of “remote viewing” ( the practice of seeking impressions ...
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Thirty two pairs of letters from Adam to Terach

I'm reading in the Zohar on Shir Hashirim 64 that there are thirty-two sets of the alphabet advanced until Israel stood at Mount Sinai. Basically, all the first and final letters of the names of main ...
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Where is the source that the spiritual realms are mirrored or reversed?

I heard this from a ma'amar back in yeshiva, but I cannot remember the source. In Ezekiel's vision of the merkavah, the supernal "chariot," the face of the lion is to the right while the ...
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Searching for a Compilation of Halachot and Minhagim Originating from the Zohar

The end of this article lists a selection of halachot sourced in the Zohar, Arizal or other kabbalistic writings. Are there any exhaustive compilations of such halachot and/or minhagim, specifically ...
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Were the Essenes considered apikorisim?

The ancient Essenes are known as being an highly Ascetic sect, with many Mystical and Monastical practices. In fact, Rav Aryeh Kaplan seems to imply that much of our Kabala actually originated from ...
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Origin of counting Omer according to the Sephirot?

What is the origin of the association of each day of the Omer with a particular pair of Sephirot (Hesed sh'b'Hesed, etc.)? I'm looking for the earliest textual mentions.
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What part of the soul is reincarnated?

I know the Ruach is associated with what moves us deeply, when we hear a niggun, or we witness a Jewish tradition, it is our Ruach that is stimulated, recognizing it seems where it comes from. Can I ...
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How does one perform an exorcism in Judaism

What are the steps one must perform in order to conduct a Jewish exorcism ritual?
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In kabbalah what are the אוצרות?

I was listening to a shiur from a Rav and I heard him refer to "the אוצרות" as one of the fundamental introductions to limud hakabbalah. Which sefer is he referring to?
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The Arizal and the Ramak

What are the basic conceptual differences between the Lurianic school of kaballah and the Kordovero school of kaballah?
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Nefesh HaChaim building and destroying worlds

the Nefesh HaChaim part 1 states that acts of mitzva build mystical worlds whereas acts of sin destroy mystical worlds. (Shaar 1 chapter 31). What sources go into more details as to these worlds and ...

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