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Unanswered Questions

159 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is there source that a person must not have any entangled hairs in his beard when immersing in the mikvah

BH Is it true there is a law that says when a person enters a mikvah he must make sure that none of his hairs from his beard are tangled with one another or have any knots on the single strands? If ...
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What is the dividing line between a segulah and nichush

The Torah in Leviticus 19:26 prohibits the following of omens, also known as issur nichush. I am curious what the dividing line between a Segulah, which are kabbalistic charms or signs of certain ...
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Is there an English Translation available of the Maamer Nefesh HaShfeilah by the Alter Rebbe?

BH Is there an English Translation available of the Maamer Nefesh HaShfeilah by the Alter Rebbe available online?
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Mikva Erev Shabbat (for men) - looking for a detailed work on this practice

I would like to learn everything there is to learn about the practice of men going to mikva (immersing one's body in a ritual pool) on erev shabbat (Friday afternoon). I am not looking for a sif katan ...
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Does the Kabbalah explain why David’s sin affected his children

I believe Rashi said in 2 Samuel 12 that due to David’s sin the king lost many children. Why, according to Kabbalah, did David's sin have this affect on his children?
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Can a person's soul reincarnate into multiple bodies simultaneously?

Is it possible that a soul of some person, say John, reincarnates into multiple bodies but those bodies are all alive in the same period, so they are all alive in the same year, etc. or is this only ...
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What is the significance of repeating certain pasukim?

During various parts of davening, we repeat certain pasukim, be it three or more times. What is the explanation for this practice? For example: the beginning of Mincha and Maariv, during Kriyas Shema ...
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Ger chassidus teachings

Does the community know what defines Ger chasiduss ideologically and Hashkafically? Is there an English translated sefarim or article that explains the basics of the Hasidic dynasty’s teachings?
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Is it possible to enter Adam Kadmon and retain your individuality?

The Breslov Center has Pirkei Avos in English with commentary from Rabbi Noson and Rabbi Nachman. In the very first section it says the whole purpose of this world is to enable us to make a Yechida ...
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Repository of the Mittler Rebbe's teachings translation

BH Does anyone known a place of the Mittler Rebbe's works translated to English especially his commentary on Tanach?
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Name of G-d changing

Is there a Source for the statement that when Mashiach comes the Name of G-d will no longer be יהוה but יהיה ?
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How does one actually use kabbalistic kavanot during prayer?

My question is concerning the issue of the kabbalistic kavanot and yichudim which are present in the various Kabbalistic siddurim available on the market. There are numerous such siddurim available ...
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What is the relationship between the Etz Chaim and the Shmoneh Shaarim?

I have seen the teachings of the Ari Zal described and cited to both the "Etz Chaim" and the "Shmoneh Shearim." I have seen these for sale as separate books, (e.g., a set of Etz ...
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Why do spirits marry humans?

Why do spirits mentioned in the Talmud agree to marry humans? There are stories that non human spirits marry humans and have kids with them, this is also mentioned in genesis, a Midrash seems to say ...
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Reincarnation, the same person or not?

I’m trying to understand the concept of reincarnation In Judaism. Do the sages say we return or part of us returns, meaning part of our soul but not technically us. Or is there more then one of us, ...

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