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Unanswered Questions

193 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Exhaling While Using an Angel's Name

This article quotes Rav Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky as saying There's an angel whose name is the same as the sound produced when you blow out with force. According to Kabbalistic tradition, it's ...
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Why do we pray to be saved from Ayin Hara if we don't believe in it?

The Gemara says in Pesachim 110b כְּלָלָא דְמִילְּתָא כׇּל דְּקָפֵיד קָפְדִי בַּהֲדֵיהּ וּדְלָא קָפֵיד לָא קָפְדִי בַּהֲדֵיהּ וּמִיהוּ לְמֵיחַשׁ מִיבְּעֵי. The general rule is that anyone who is ...
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Is Satan a being or just a mission any angel could fulfill?

Midrash B"R quoted by Rashi (Genesis.32.30, and similarly Judges.13.18) says that: "We [angels] have no fixed names; our names change, all depending upon the service we are commanded to ...
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Greys "Aliens" mentioned in Kabala?

I have heard and even read (in Rav Zamir Cohen's book The Coming Revolution) that the most well known Alien phenotype, the "Greys" (who have large heads, large dark eyes, slits for noses, and very ...
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Why does Rashi say Avraham thought the angels were wayfarers?

Rashi on Breishis 18:16 And the men arose from there, and they looked upon Sodom, and Abraham went with them to escort them, says to escort them: Heb. לְשַׁלְּחָם, to escort them. He thought ...
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Non-Jews reincarnating in Jews

I read in the name of (Ariz"l) some Kabbalistic books that Zimri Ben Salu was the reincarnation of Shechem ben Chamor that took Dina and the story of Bnot Moav is [allegorically] a repetition of the ...
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Dating and Havdala candle

I've heard people talking about the merit of a good relationship with his shidduch in dating from the act of holding the Havdala candle. How does the two relate?
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Why is dreaming of getting married considered a disturbance?

I know that this is a pretty mystical question, but is anyone able to provide an explanation as to why the Shulchan Aruch (OH 288:5) says that seeing oneself get married in a dream is considered bad ...
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Source for ability to speak before Neshama

I've always understand conventional Jewish belief is that there are different aspects to the soul, and each one provides different abilities. The נפש is common to all living creatures and it is the ...
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Why do some siddurim switch the order of the angels?

I've noticed that in some siddurim in the prayer "El Adon" the last line has the order of the angels switched; that is, they say: "seraphim, chayot, v'ophanei hakodesh" instead of "seraphim, ...
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Most auspicious number of "dunks" in Mikve according to Kabbalah

I recently had wonderful experiences bathing in Mikve in Tzfat--most particularly Mikvah HaAri. I was given basic, general guidelines to bathing there, and my nephew and I enjoyed very exhilarating, ...
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a non halachic pirush on maseches kelim

I recall once having seen a pirush on maseches kelim from a kabalah - chasidus viewpoint, and i since cant recall the name of the sefer or who wrote it, any ideas?
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Rambam and the 10 types of Malachim

In Yesodei HaTorah 2:7, The Rambam lists the 10 types of malachim (angels) in order of power. Many people have told me that this halacha proves that the Rambam knew Kabalah, since this knowledge is ...
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1 answer

What are the angels doing in the blessing on light?

In the Yotzer Ohr prayer, we praise God for creating the light. It then moves on to an interlude about the ministering angels. What does that have to do with the light?
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Earliest textual source for the concept of Holy Sparks?

What is the earliest known/cited textual source for the concept of holy sparks?

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