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Unanswered Questions

422 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why are דרשות about סוכות allowed on Shabbat?

The Gemara in Megilah 4:1 says that if י"ד אדר falls out on שבת, you should learn about פורים on שבת. The Gemara then asks: "Why do we need to say this if we already know this from having ...
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0 answers

Does Changing "Beitza" to "Beiah" Really Acoomplish Anything?

There are legitimate sources that talk about calling masechet "Beitza" by the name "Beiah" because the Hebrew word "beitza" can also refer to a testicle. See answers here ...
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Why is the last chapter in masechet pesachim called ערבי פסחים in the plural, which does not match the girsa of the mishnah?

The mishnah begins ערב פסחים in the singular, yet the chapter is called ערבי פסחים in the plural. Chapter titles in the gemara almost always match the first words verbatim, very rarely skipping a word ...
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0 answers

Source for Story about Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi Collecting Teachings from All the Tanaim

Someone recently mentioned to me a story that in the days of the Tannaim most people learned from a single teacher and learned a single derekh or set of halakhot. Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi was unusual in ...
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0 answers

Did Adam establish a justice system?

One of the mitzvot given to Adam was to establish laws and courts. Was Adam successful in setting up a working justice system, and if so, do we know any practical details of how it operated and/or for ...
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Four counted as dead & Agunot

Nedarim 64b relates of the Gemara: "it was taught in a baraita: Four are considered as if they were dead: A pauper, and a leper, and a blind person, and one who has no children." Could one ...
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0 answers

Does it still count as a Bracha if one stuttered and repeated words?

What if someone has a stutter and they tend to repeat words when doing a Bracha. As long as they said all of the words, does it still count as a Bracha?
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1 answer

Does one still get Schar for trying to do a Mitzvah even if they didn’t end up doing it properly?

Presumably a person would still get some Schar for putting in the effort for doing a Mitzvah even if they didn’t end up doing it properly, right? Lfum Tzaarah Agra?
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Is it a Mitzvah to tell a fellow Jew “have a wonderful day”?

Is it considered a Mitzvah/Chesed to tell a fellow Jew to have a great day? It sounds like a simple thing, but I thought it would be included under Viohavta Lireiacha Kamocha, no?
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What is the proof and reasoning that Rabbi Yitzchak and Rabbi Elazar are NOT arguing in Megillah 29a

B"H In a kuntress that the Rebbe gave out towards mid 5752 about the "house of our Rebbe in Bavel", it starts out with a chidush in Megillah 29a that Rabbi Yitzchak and Rabbi Elazar are ...
5 votes
2 answers

Why did שמואל הנביא need permission to save his own life?

In יבמות ס״ה,ב׳ it brings the story of when Hashem told שמואל הנביא to go and anoint דויד, and שמואל asked Hashem what he should do in order not to arouse Shaul’s suspicion, thereby endangering his ...
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Differences between Birur and הנהגה

How do the techniques of הנהגה and בירור work in Halacha? Is the difference that the latter needs proof, and the former is based on a חזקה?
9 votes
1 answer

Reincarnations - Let's work out how many one would need to be personally obligated in all 613 Mitzvot in the superset

In a nutshell, the Arizal says (Shaar Gilgulim Ch. 16) we are reincarnated in order that every Jew gets a chance to experience all 613 mitzvot as a chiyuv (personal obligation) at least once. My ...
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Encyclopedia Talmudit - Early Volumes

Where can one find the early volumes of Encyclopedia Talmudit for purchase? It seems that very few stores carry the early volume.
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Numeric coincidence between Rava and Tosefta?

Nazir 13b: Rava asks: If one said: I am hereby a nazirite after twenty days, and I am hereby a nazirite from now for one one hundred days, what is the halakha? The next page resolves the question: ...

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