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Unanswered Questions

364 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What is the source for Bitachon in the Torah?

The Chovos Halevovos's fourth שער, section, is on Bitachon. Since his sefer is "Duties of the heart", he clearly considers this a required "duty". Unlike some other areas, he does ...
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What kind of character traits is Mashiach supposed to possess?

There a some stories Chazal bring about men who were potentially going to be mashiach. A couple that come to mind are Bar Kochba (who Rabbi Akiva said would be Mashiach) and the man Eliyahu Hanavi ...
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Why do we hear about women having Binah in gemara, but nothing the other way around for men? Maybe it should say something about Chochma alá Zohar?

As this Chabad page neatly gathers sources for, men are associated with Chochma, women are associated with Binah. The gemara says that Hashem endowed women with Binah. Why is there no source that says ...
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Status of "extra" mitzvot

When the Jews are exiled to Babel, God commands Jeremiah to tell the Jews some instructions regarding their behavior in exile (Jeremiah 29:4-9): "Thus said GOD of Hosts, the God of Israel, to ...
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What does Judaism say about opposites / polarities?

I asked this question on the Philosophy StackExchange, What philosophies don't say things boil down to polarities (opposites)?, as some belief systems have deep belief that everything is on a spectrum ...
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How to tell an anxious person they are being anxious? How to tell an angry person to calm down?

This is a pretty pure question: I don't know if the traditional sources even deals with this, but I suspect they might, and hope they do given how nogeah it is to maintaining goodness in our ...
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Does anyone know how to contact Rav J. Glass who has posted a translation of Netivot Shalom online?

His now non-working email address is still visible where he posted his translation. It used to be [email protected]. I would like to find out if he has finished or is still working on finishing his ...
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0 answers

Is creation a "transmutation of the divine reality"?

Adin Steinsaltz in his book The Thirteen Petalled Rose says, His creation being not the act of forming something out of nothing but the act of revelation. Creation is an emanation from the divine ...
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Why "tilling and tending" of Eden are not considered commandments?

"God settled the Human in the garden of Eden, to til it and tend it." That preceded his introduction to its plants and trees and the commandments to withdraw from eating from them. Was Adam ...
3 votes
0 answers

Does Chabad have a specific response to Breslov about studying Philosophy books?

Chayei Moharan 407-408 brings that Rebbe Nacham forbade studying philosophy works, such as Moreh Nevuchim, Chovot Levavot Gate of Unity, Sefer HaIkkarim, and even sections of Mishneh Torah such as ...
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0 answers

Tomer Devorah: "Delighting in insults". Doesn't that ruin their purpose as yisurin?

According to the Ramak in Tomer Devorah 3, he recommends that a person who wants to achieve humility should hope for, and try to delight in insults. He gives the simple logic that, like all yisurin (...
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0 answers

Optional personal requests in prayers according to Rambam

Following "Praying-for-too-many-people". In my understanding, Rambam had a peculiar and somewhat unorthodox view of God's immutability and inability to be influenced by our Earthly prayers. ...
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0 answers

The Mitzva to Know Hashem = get to know Him. Diyyuk in Mishneh Torah?

I once heard Rabbi Manis Friedman Shlita prove, from the wording or some other clever diyuk, in the first perek of Mishneh Torah, that the Mitzva of (paraphrased) "knowing that there is a first ...
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Why is "וְאָהַבְתָּ לְרֵעֲךָ כָּמוֹךָ" not a standalone verse and preceded by "לֹא־תִקֹּם וְלֹא־תִטֹּר"?

In Lev 19.18: "לֹא־תִקֹּם וְלֹא־תִטֹּר ... וְאָהַבְתָּ לְרֵעֲךָ כָּמוֹךָ", Why "love thy fellow" is an "aftermath", an "elaboration" on "don't avenge or ...
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2 answers

Why the Har Sinai revelation only included commandments?

During the Har Sinai revelation, God spoke to the nation only the Ten Commandments. He could, for example, give a very different speech, for example, include theology, as He did with Job (38.1): &...

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