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The Halachic Reasoning Behind the Neturei Karta

This question is far too broad to answer here but the essence of what they follow is based upon the teachings of Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum. There are two primary sources that lay out their approach. The ...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
7 votes

Source of appellation "Shimshon HaGibor"

The phrase 'Shimshon Hagibor' goes back to the 12th century in northern france in the peirush on Genesis 49 17a peirush identified with 'Rabeinu Tam' [Published by Avraham Shoshana 2017]. It appears ...
חנן יבלס's user avatar
5 votes

Jewish theological position concerning Zionism and the State of Israel

To explain the lenient theological explanation, it is first important to understand what the basis of the opposition towards the state of Israel is. In extremely short: The medrash on shir hashirim ...
nosh's user avatar
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What was the Lubavitcher Rebbe's position on Zionism?

Rabbi Friedman summarised his opinion in a Q&A for teenagers as follows: The general (admittedly simplified) argument of anti-zionist Chassidim can be traced to the Gemara in Shabbat that states ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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What was Anglo Jewry's stance just before the establishment of the State of Israel?

First a bit of context... In the years following WWII, the world was in a state of recovery. Although Britain and the USA had forged the Grand Alliance, thereby creating the ‘special relationship’, ...
Dov's user avatar
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Prediction in Chazal about existence of future state of Israel before Mosiach comes

Megilla 17b-18a goes thru the Amida as what will happen in the end of times. Although it doesn't mention a secular state, it says that first the Jews will come back (Isaiah 27:13 implies that this may ...
Mordechai's user avatar
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What defines being Jewish: adherence to Torah?

The phrase that Jews are a nation only because of the Torah was first said by Rav Saadia Gaon Sefer Emunos V’dayos 3:7. (אין אומתינו אומה אלא בתורה) but he certainly wasn't the creator of the ...
Schmerel's user avatar
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Source of Chofetz Chaim's story

This is the quote that there are referring to. Here is the page before for context Just to clarify, this part of the sefer was written by his son, talking about his father. In summary, he’s discussing ...
Chatzkel's user avatar
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Seeking books mentioned on site

Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 195 The full set is available for purchase here. Mara D'ara Yisroel v. 1 p. 145 This is not in print anymore. Sometimes it comes up on auction sites. You can ...
Deuteronomy's user avatar
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Is it Halachically forbidden to go to Israel?

(was originally written by R' Yaakov Shapiro) Besides the slew of poskim and Gedolim from all walks of Torah Judaism who quote the Oaths l'halachah, pick up the Zionist journal "techumin" Vol. 10, ...
spr22's user avatar
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Rav Moshe Feinstein's opinion on the State of Israel

BezH I wrote an extensive article regarding R. Moshe Feinstein's relationship with the State of Israel (including many previously unknown sources), and how it changed over the years to be more ...
ארי שבט 's user avatar
2 votes

Was R' Shamshon Rafael Hirsch anti-Zionist? Why?

This belief can be understood from some of R Hirsch writings where he writes that Eretz Israel is only a "means to an end in fulfilling the Torah" or "a tool to further [the Jewish people]'s mission" ...
mbloch's user avatar
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What is the traditional/common Haredi "non-Hasidic" response to using the "Three Oaths" as an anti-Zionist argument?

There a few common answers Rashi explains that the Shevuah is not to take back the land "together with a strong hand". The implication is we could reclaim it if given permission. This in ...
user29098's user avatar
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Where does R' Kook refer to secular Zionism as Moshiach ben Yosef?

Page 10 here. Sanhedrin 98b. Cf. Rabbi A.I. Hakohen Kook, Orot (Jerusalem: Mossad Harav Kook, 5745/1985), p. 80; Bezalel Naor trans., Orot (Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1993), p. 188.
Miguel's user avatar
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The Belzer Rebbe's approach to nationalism and zionism

Are there any seforim that discuss why (zionistic) nationalism is not a Torah-idea? It will be difficult to find early texts that discuss Zionism as we know it today, since the idea did not arise in ...
Vector's user avatar
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The Belzer Rebbe's approach to nationalism and zionism

B"H found it! It is in the Kuntres 22 Mar Cheshvan, available on Otzar HaChochmah for instance. It reads (p. 109): הציונות בעצמה מיוסדת על ההכחשה בהשגחת ה' ית' בעקרי שכר ועונש ובביאת הגואל ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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"And this nation will arise and stray after idols" - the Ohel Moshe's story about Rabbi Shlomo Lorincz

It is featured in Volume 1 of Rabbi Lorincz series which explores his interactions with the Chazon Ish, Brisker Rov and Rav Shach. I have the English edition produced by Feldheim - and the story that ...
Dov's user avatar
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The Steipler's Gaon idea behind voting in Eretz Yisrael

The Steipler spends a good part of the first section on the third volume discussing voting. Refer to the third volume here which addresses the notion of voting in Knesset elections in general. There ...
Dov's user avatar
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Why didn't Moshe have an issue with Gad and Reuven spurning Eretz Yisroel?

According to the Ramban, the East Bank (Jordan) is part of the promised land, just at a lower holiness the West Bank (Israel). Moshe just wanted them all to live on one piece of land with no natural ...
Mordechai's user avatar
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Prediction in Chazal about existence of future state of Israel before Mosiach comes

The Satmar Rav often quotes from this Zohar (see for example Al HaGeulah Ve Al Temurah, Siman 61). It can be found in Zohar, Ki Teitzei 12:64 (279a). It reads: [The fourth exile] is called a pit ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Pre-1948 Haredi view on political Zionism and how it developed

For one perspective on how an anti-Zionist changed perspectives 180 degrees and became a supporter, I would highly recommend Eim HaBanim Semeicha by R Yissachar Shlomo Teichtal From Wikipedia ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Differences between the mysticism of Rav Kook and the Sabbatean heretic Nathan of Gaza

The answer is simple. Firstly this idea is found in Kisvei Arizal in the Sefer Shaar Gilgulim הקדמה לח ד״ה וכן תראהwhich in essence states that at times in order for XYZ to happen it’ll involve ...
FalseMessiah's user avatar
1 vote

Mishkenos Haro'im: The Shinnover Rebbe's response to the Shivas Tzion

B"H I just got into contact (via-via) with the author. The original source is from Rabbi יחזקאל שרגא הלברשטאם sefer called תיקון עולם Tikun Olam. There it describes that the land of Yisrael does ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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According to the more staunchly anti-zionist factions (e.g (parts of) Brisk, Satmar, Spinka, etc.) is making Aliyah forbidden?

No. The Satmar Rav was in fact going to move to Israel after he escaped Europe, but saw the number of Gedolim there and felt he would be of more use elsewhere. The Griz moved to Israel and founded a ...
user11308's user avatar
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What's Neturei Karta's response to the current situation?

This is a speach at a Palestine rally from a so called Neturei Karta activist. He says that he does not condone violence, but that it can only be expected in the face of Zionist crimes (which predate ...
Naftali Tzvi's user avatar
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What's Neturei Karta's response to the current situation?

I am uncertain if this question is within the parameters of Mi Yodeya, but there is Facebook page for NK USA and they have a post where one of their people is speaking at a pro-pali demonstration on ...
Mike Olivson's user avatar
1 vote

Source of Chofetz Chaim's story

In addition to what Chatzkel wrote, I found that in Chofetz Chaim Al HaTorah (Parashas Bo, p. 101), it also relates the story that someone from a Zionists newspaper wrote that you could be a Jew, even ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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A source for the claim that the Satmar Ruv (R' Yoel Teitelbaum) said to VP Hubert Humphrey "Sell weapons to Israel!"

Neither story is accurate; the Satmar Rebbe's remark has been completely misconstrued. The real story was simply that during his visit, Humphrey spoke of his support for Israel and the Rebbe simply ...
Isaac Richter's user avatar

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