La'asot meaning "to prepare food"
The question is answered by looking at the context of the expression.
Specifically, Bereshit 18:7-8, which says:
ואל הבקר רץ אברהם ויקח בן בקר רך וטוב ויתן אל הנער וימהר לעשות אתו
ויקח חמאה וחלב ובן ...
La'asot meaning "to prepare food"
Netziv on Bereshis 18:7 uses the word La'osos as an incomplete work done by Abraham, which afterwards was finished by Ishmael. This is explained by R. Mordechai Kuperman in comment 41 (also ...
To form, different roots
According to the theory of R. Sh. R. Hirsh there is a relation between the following roots:
יצר - form, compress
נצר - save, protect, preserve
צור - compress, press on all sides, confine
צרה - squeeze,...
Peshat meaning of "help against him" in Biblical Hebrew
Compare to Tehillim 16:8
שִׁוִּ֬יתִי ה' לְנֶגְדִּ֣י תָמִ֑יד כִּ֥י מִֽ֝ימִינִ֗י בַּל־אֶמּֽוֹט
I have put Hashem לנגדי always, because He is at my right hand I will not
Here, לנגדי obviously ...
Peshat meaning of "help against him" in Biblical Hebrew
There are multiple valid ways to translate it into English, but the one that makes most sense to me is “a helper facing him,” because facing can mean opposite, against, before, in view, in sight of, ...
What is a Novardok "Vaad asiri kodesh"?
It is a systemised approach to self-improvement through the taking on of kabbalos (personal targets geared towards further refining a person's spiritual attainment).
According to here it is defined as ...
Why don't the birds get the bracha of פְּרוּ?
The Or HaChaim writes that the bracha was a temporary condition:
ויברך טעם שהוצרך ה' לברך שרץ המים מה שלא עשה כן בנבראים היוצאים מן הארץ. ועוד לו שגם בתולדות המים עצמם הטיל קנאה שלא בירך שרץ העוף. ...
Question regarding the usage of two of G-d's names in Isaiah 55:7
According to the Malbim on this pasuk:
וישב אל ה', ר"ל כי יש מי ששב אל ה' מצד שמכיר שהוא ה' בורא העולם וזה השב מאהבה ועז"א וישוב אל ה' וירחמהו. ויש מי ששב רק מצד יראת עצמו שירא שלא יענישהו,...
Question regarding the usage of two of G-d's names in Isaiah 55:7
Rabbi Shimon Taub in the introduction to his book "The Laws of Tzedakah and Maaser" explains that teshuvah is a transitive mitzvah. In other words, a person who made teshuvah can be viewed ...
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