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Is it required to read the Ketubah under the Chuppah?

You dont need to read the ketuva and you dont need a big break. No one listens to the ketuva, and no one understands it. If the chatan needs to know what it says, hearing it in aramaic right after he ...
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Why are there no sheva brachos for geirim

You will find good source material and explanations in Shevet Halevi, Vol 4, Responsa 173 His bottom line: Since the couple was already married, the aspect of "being happy with this new marriage&...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
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Why compare a groom to a king?

Rav Shlomo Kluger explains: דבמלך כיון דעלה לגדולה מוחלין לו כל עונותיו כמו שלמדו חז"ל מפסוק בן שנה שאול במלכו וחתן נמי כיון דהנושא אשה מוחלין לו עונותיו וכמשאחז"ל ביבמו' הנושא אשה עונותיו ...
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Why compare a groom to a king?

It is as a blessing which comes from Mishlei 12:4: A capable wife is a crown for her husband, but an incompetent one is like rot in his bones. At a wedding the young couple is being blessed to build ...
Y DJ's user avatar
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