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Where were Yaakov's sons buried?

Yerushalmi Sota 8b Chapter 1 Halacha 10 says that all the 12 Shevatim were taken to Eretz Yisrael by their Shevet. תלמוד ירושלמי סוטה דף ח' ע"ב, פרק א' הלכה י' – ככתוב בראשית מו אנכי ארד עמך מצרים ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
10 votes

How was Reuven considered Yaakov's first drop of semen?

One possibility is that the verses in Chapter 29 are not in precise chronological order, and verse 31 actually took place before verse 28. That is to say that God saw that Leah was hated and opened ...
Alex's user avatar
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7 votes

Burial sites of the Shevatim

The Sefer Hayashar (anonymous) on Sefer Yehoshua brings down where the Shevatim were buried: שנים עשר בני יעקב אשר העלו בני ישראל ממצרים : ויקברו את ראובן ואת גד בעבר הירדן ברומיא אשר נתן להם משה ...
sam's user avatar
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7 votes

What was Yaakov's funeral procession doing in Transjordan?

Another two approaches by mainstream Peshat Mefarshim: Shadal here (and Clint Eastwood in the comments above) suggests that for Moshe and Benei Yisrael, Ever Hayarden is Eretz Yisroel, because they ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
7 votes

Brothers don't kill brothers?

First, it always pays to see Rashi's sources, and to see if the question is answered there, even if the shorter version Rashi presents does not provide us with an easy answer. In this case, the source ...
josh waxman's user avatar
6 votes

What was Yaakov's funeral procession doing in Transjordan?

All the answers that I've come across suggest that Ever HaYarden does not mean Transjordan in the context of this verse. Chizkuni suggests that that the Canaanites who are observing the mourning at ...
Joel K's user avatar
  • 45.2k
6 votes

How do we reconcile the 2 burial places of Rachel?

In Tosefta Sotah 11:7 the verses from Genesis and Samuel are discussed. It is concluded that the prophet Samuel meant that the group of prophets that Saul will meet are right now near the tomb of ...
Harel13's user avatar
  • 26.8k
5 votes

Why was Yoseph the first of Ya'aqov's sons to die?

This is addressed in Brachos 55a. The reason given is that he conducted himself ברבנות. Seemingly an excessive degree of acting in command. דא״ר חמא בר חנינא מפני מה מת יוסף קודם לאחיו מפני שהנהיג ...
user6591's user avatar
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4 votes

"May God make you like Ephraim and like Manasseh" -- in what way?

Efraim and Menashe were the first pair of Jewish brothers in the Torah who lived in peace with each other. We therefore bless our children that they too should live in peace. R Shraga Simmons at Aish ...
mbloch's user avatar
  • 53.6k
4 votes

"May God make you like Ephraim and like Manasseh" -- in what way?

Rabbi Zweig gave an amazing answer. You can read the whole thing here (in a week this link will become invalid and I will try to replace it with a permanent link). Here is the main part of his answer: ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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4 votes

Why didn't Yosef's brothers bury him where he asked?

As I explain in Vayigash - Why didn't the family go back?, Par'o only allowed Yosef to bury Yaakov in Eretz Yisrael because of the oath Yaakov had made him swear. Even then, he forced the brothers ...
sabbahillel's user avatar
  • 43.4k
4 votes

Why didn't Yosef's brothers bury him where he asked?

The OP quotes a verse that has Yoseph saying: "When G-d comes to you..." Yosef planned on being buried in Egypt. He simply wanted to leave when everyone else did. By that time, his brothers had ...
David Kenner's user avatar
4 votes

Why don't we hear about Ya'aqov's other sons mourning his death?

The Stone edition of the Chumash relates, Although the other brothers were surely as aggrieved as Joseph, only he is mentioned because his presence in Jacob's final moments was a fulfillment of God's ...
rosends's user avatar
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4 votes

Heter for Embalming Yaakov

Although writes that it is a lack of Kavod Hameis to perform (nowadays), many Rishonim and Acharonim on Chumash say or imply that this was done because of Kavod Hameis back then... To ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
4 votes

Why did Yakov ask for a favor from Yosef instead of commanding him?

R' Samson Raphael Hirsch, in his commentary on this verse, reads the first נא as "after all." He suggests that Yosef had always wanted to use his power as viceroy to do favors for his father, but ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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4 votes

Where were Yaakov's sons buried?

As stated by @Gershon Gold, the locations are disputed. The following is the version from Sefer Seder Ha'dorot: ויקברו את ארונות מטות אבותיהם בנחלת בניהם, את ראובן וגד בעבר הירדן ברומא, ושמעון ולוי ...
Harel13's user avatar
  • 26.8k
3 votes

Did Yaakov bless his daughter Dina?

This site says yes, through her marriage to Shimon. Dina did get blessed from Ya'akov. Dina married Shimon (see Rashi Vayechi 46-10) therefore the bracha that was given to Shimon (see Rashi 49-28)...
rosends's user avatar
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3 votes

What type of doctor is referred to in Breishit 50:2?

In those days, those who were in charge of all medical processes would have handled everything from healing sick people through preparing the person for the after life. Remember, they did not have the ...
sabbahillel's user avatar
  • 43.4k
3 votes

Did Jacob's sons do aveilut before Jacob was buried?

There are a people who suggest that Yosef and his brothers were accompanied by a large group of Egyptions. These Egyptians were the "official delegation" who were accompanying Yosef. Reading the ...
sabbahillel's user avatar
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How was Reuven considered Yaakov's first drop of semen?

Rashi says (ibid): "וראשית אוני: היא טפה ראשונה שלו, שלא ראה קרי מימיו:" That is his first drop of semen, for he had never experienced a nocturnal emission. — [from Yeb. 76a] Rashi's ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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3 votes

Is one allowed to swear to do something that depends on someone else's approval?

In this particular case, we see that Yosef did not want to swear as his father asked, because he wanted to say that he would do all that he could himself. While normally he should only have sworn to ...
sabbahillel's user avatar
  • 43.4k
3 votes

Combining the blessing of Benjamin with the death of Jacob

Though this is a very striking example, there are a number of places in the Torah where the breaks, psucha and stumah, divide the middle parts of a list and not the beginning and/or the end. I don't ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Why are the words in this pasuk changed around?

In answer to your direct question, Rabbeinu Bachya in Parshas Vayechi on that Passuk says as follows: ודע כי בעלי השמות מוציאים מן הכתוב הזה השם שמועיל בדרך כנגד השונאים, וכן שמשון ההורג בשונאיו ואשר ...
Chatzkel's user avatar
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2 votes

Why does Yosef use intermediaries to ask Paro for permission to bury Yaakov, when until now he addressed Paro directly?

Many commentaries address this question. A few explain that Yosef couldn't make a request for himself, either because he was embarrassed or because it was against the protocol, or that the request ...
Alex's user avatar
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Must every sidrah begin at the start of a parsha? (Rashi on Breishit 47:28)

Berachot 12a גמירי כל פרשה דפסקה משה רבינו פסקינן דלא פסקה משה רבינו לא פסקינן We have a tradition that every section which our master, Moses, has divided off we may divide off, but that ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 votes

Why was Yoseph the first of Ya'aqov's sons to die?

I believe the the answer is two-fold. A) he wasn't since he was in Mitzrayim he couldn't fulfill the mitzvah of kibod av, which grants arichas yomim (long life). B) The Pirkei D’Rabbi Eliezer says ...
Isaac's user avatar
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The Meshech Chochma on Bereishis 49:26 and Rashi on Bereishis 43:34

Looking up the Meshech Chochma's source gives the answer to this question. Gemara Shabbos 129a says: ואמר רב מלאי משום רבי יצחק מגדלאה: מיום שפירש יוסף מאחיו לא טעם טעם יין, דכתיב ולקדקד נזיר אחיו....
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
2 votes

Why was Yoseph the first of Ya'aqov's sons to die?

I'm not exatly sure if I am understanding this correctly, but I get the sense that the Ohr Hachayim on 1:6 seems to make an argument about the progression towards slavery (he wonders why Yoseif's ...
rosends's user avatar
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In Bresheit 48:2-3 refers to Yosef's father as both Yaacov and Yisrael, why are two names used?

Another reason for the dual name is when he is being oppressed, in exile or in other similar circumstances. When he has ruach hakodesh or is on a higher level, he is referred to as Yisroel. In this ...
sabbahillel's user avatar
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Why is 'shiloh' read as if it were transcribed 'shelloh' by Onkelos in Genesis 49:10 when the Masoretes transcribed it differently?

I think the answer is relatively simple. Onkelos had a text in front of him that was similar to the Samaritan Pentateuch which reads, שׁלה. The Septuagint translator and Syriac Peshitta translations ...
Anthony Keating's user avatar

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