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Is immersion of utensils (tevila) valid before koshering (hagala)?

Avodah Zarah 75b: ת"ר הלוקח כלי תשמיש מן העובדי כוכבים דברים שלא נשתמש בהן מטבילן והן טהורין דברים שנשתמש בהן ע"י צונן כגון כוסות וקתוניות וצלוחיות מדיחן ומטבילן והם טהורין דברים שנשתמש בהן ע"י ...
DonielF's user avatar
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7 votes

Tovelling a non-stick pan

See Din Online here: A non-stick frying pan, which is coated with Teflon needs tevila. There is controversy among the poskim if a bracha should be said on it or not. The reason being that Teflon is a ...
Dov's user avatar
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6 votes

Order for tevilah and kashering

First Kasher them and then dunk them in the Mikva. (ShA YD 121:2) If you did it the wrong way some say you have to dunk them again.
Double AA's user avatar
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6 votes

Where are the 24-hour keilim mikvaot in NYC?

I just called Washington Heights Keilim mikvah. Located on Bennet Ave. between W. 185 St and W. 186 St. Manhattan. Phone: 212 923 3582 The woman told me that the entrance is to the right of the ...
DanF's user avatar
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6 votes

Immersing a dish used for a gift

See this article by R. Aryeh Lebowitz, discussing the very similar case of purchasing a dish which has been pre-filled with candies to give as a gift, which I think addresses most of your questions. ...
Joel K's user avatar
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6 votes

Tovelling a non-stick pan

According to the OU, you tovel them but without a beracha: Glass-coated utensils, such as glazed chinaware, are a subject of debate among contemporary Poskim, but it has become common practice to ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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5 votes

Tevila for a plastic kettle?

Plastic doesn't require tevila but metal does (d'oraita according to many, see OU here under A). As such, if the metallic resistor touches the water (and I assume it does) then you need tevila with a ...
mbloch's user avatar
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5 votes

Do cooling racks need to be toiveled?

According to Star K (here), metal cooling racks need to be immersed without a blessing. According to OU Kosher (here), they need to be immersed with a bracha. The Agudah (here) writes they need ...
mbloch's user avatar
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4 votes

Why does a Meat Thermometer not need Tevilla?

The OU writes The general rule is that any utensil, made from metal or glass, which touches the food and is used for preparing, serving, or eating the food requires tevilah. Though a can opener and ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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Do dental instruments need to be toyveled?

Rav Heinemann explains, "Items not requiring tevila include utensils made from metal or glass whose intended purpose is not for food usage, e.g. an arts and crafts knife. Even if the knife was to be ...
NJM's user avatar
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4 votes

Toveling Stainless Steel Food Thermos

If you aren't going to ever take it off because it can't come off, then it's OK. See Shulchan Arukh YD 120:13 The general issue with stickers is one of chatzitzah, that there is something (here a ...
Mordechai K's user avatar
4 votes

Can an item toveled by someone non-religious be used?

Yes, t'vila (immersion) of objects requires no special intent or indeed human action at all and is valid even if the object fell into the water (Aruch Hashulchan 120:12). However, an adult [religious] ...
msh210's user avatar
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4 votes

Can a Jew use a knife that belongs to a non-Jew?

The two issues, as I see it, are -- dipping in the mikvah, and any transfer of non-kosher taste. As for the mikvah -- if it belongs to a non-Jew and the Jew is just borrowing it, there's no ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Does a wine bottle stopper require tevillah?

It seems from the Sefer Pischei Halacha page 100:25 that a cover of a utensil (non attached) does not require tevila (immersion in a Mikva) even though made out of metal. However, a cover of a pot ...
sam's user avatar
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4 votes

When does a pot/pan need to be toveled?

Yes it does. I have also asked this question over the years, presumably in similar circumstances. Someone goes in vacation, buys pots and pans for the duration of the vacation then wants to leave them ...
mbloch's user avatar
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3 votes

Does a table require tevila?

According to the Kof-K, citing the Shalmei Moed (p. 556), a table does not require tevila even if food is placed directly on it.
Loewian's user avatar
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tevilat keilim - ger toshav and meshumad

Regarding the ger toshav, it makes sense that it should be considered like a goy as the reason the Yerushalmi brings for טבילת כלים is "לפי שיצאו מטומאת הגוי ונכנסו לקדושת ישראל": They left ...
user6781's user avatar
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Does a ger have to tovel their dishes?

All opinions exist, as R Michael J Broyde reports in an article in Hakirah vol. 26 p. 146 (Are Converts to Judaism Required to Immerse Their Utensils after Conversion?) Avenei Nezer and Shem MiShmuel ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Does a ger have to tovel their dishes?

As mentioned in @Limos answer Rav Asher Weiss deals with this question. I will be detailing what is written in his Shu"t Chelek 3:66(itvshould be known that I did not listen to the shuir limos linked)....
sam's user avatar
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Can one engrave on a utensil bought from a non jew to avoid the need for tevilla?

Yahu's understanding seems to be wrong. The source for a פטור of tevilah of a vessel by disassembling etc. Is the חכמת אדם brought by the פתחי תשובה in יו"ד סימן ק"כ סעיף א. There the חכמת ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Loosely holding utensils in a mikve - halacha development

Gra in his commentary to Yoreh De’ah 120:2 explains that this is in fact a difference of opinion between Rambam and Shulchan Aruch, which hinges on how to explain Mikva’ot 8:4: הָאוֹחֵז בְּאָדָם ...
Joel K's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a source for not requiring Tevilah for the first use?

In Shu"t Ohr Yitzchak (2:17:9) R. Yitzchak Abadi writes as follows: Can one rely on the minhag of the world to use regular vessels in a one-time manner, and then tovel them? For example, if it ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 votes

Aluminum Pan Reuse

According to R. Obhadia Yosef (as cited here) disposable aluminum vessels require immersion (irrespective of whether it is resused), however it should be done without a blessing. According to R. ...
Deuteronomy's user avatar
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Tvilas keilim in winter - better in river or lake? (if no mikva around)

We can't tell you about a specific river or lake without more details but can share the general laws of tvilat keilim in river and lakes. Note however that women should not immerse there without ...
mbloch's user avatar
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2 votes

What kinds of metals need immersion in a mikvah?

This article by R. Avi Zakutinsky discusses which kinds of materials need immersion in a mikvah: When describing the obligation to purify and immerse utensils that were owned and used by non-Jews ...
Joel K's user avatar
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2 votes

When does a keli not require immersion?

What you were told on many occasions is incorrect. The Binas Adam (85/66) says specifically that holding a large amount such as 40 sa'ah is not a good reason to negate the need for tevila. (There is ...
user6591's user avatar
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2 votes

Can someone [be] tovel accidentally? (Does tovelling need kavanah?)

Regarding tevilas keilim, the Shulchan Aruch paskens (YD 120:15) that a non-Jew can dip the keilim. The Shach (120:28) points out that this means tevilas keilim does not require kavanah, even if ...
wfb's user avatar
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2 votes

Does a coffee grinder require Tevillah (immersion) in a Mikvah?

Star-K says it's not necessary:
Eitan's user avatar
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Touching Keilim While Toveling

Actually it is better if you don't hold the object, for if you hold the object too tight it may constitute a chatzizah. The Shulchan Aruch YO"D 120:2 states that you should hold it very loosely, or ...
lionscribe's user avatar

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