How much does a ma'ah cost in £/$ in today's world?
According to the table of coins in the "Practical Talmudic Dictionary" by R. Yitzchak Frank, מעה/Ma'ah is a silver coin weighing about 0.7 gram / 0.02251 oz (early opinion per Double AA), ...
Sources for Raba bar bar Hana legends explanations
In honour of Daf HaYomi reaching the Rabba bar bar Hana aggadata, Artscroll has released [and kindly distributed freely] their own compilation on the above aggadata, with Artscroll's standard ...
Is there a Jewish principle: "To sleep on a big decision"?
The Rabbeinu Yonah on Avos 1:1 writes that one should not rely on his first thoughts.
that they should not rely on the first thought, but rather upon great deliberation and incisive investigation, so ...
Online English Rashi (Talmud)
The website Sefaria.org has a lot of Rashi translated into English, but if I'm not mistaken, it is not complete. For example the translation for Bava Batra appears only to go up to daf 29a at present.
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