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Torah argument increases peace

It is found in his drashos, chelek 1, pg 183 second column, s.v. Vichein. See it here. EDIT Here is another place in his drashos where he writes similarly, perhaps even closer to what the OP is ...
user6591's user avatar
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9 votes

Why is asking for a bracha allowed?

The gemara in Bava Batra 116a says Anyone who has a sick person in his home should go to a sage, and the sage will ask for mercy on the sick person’s behalf, as it is stated: “The wrath of a ...
mbloch's user avatar
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7 votes

At what point is someone considered תורתו אומנתו?

Aruch Hashulchan O.C. 106:11-12  ודע שדברי הרמב״ם בענין זה תמוהים מאד שכתב בפ״ו דין ח׳ מי שהיה עוסק בת״ת והגיע זמן התפלה פוסק ומתפלל ואם היתה תורתו אומנתו ואינו עושה מלאכה כלל והיה עוסק בתורה בשעת ...
Alex's user avatar
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5 votes

Rav Ruderman interview at Chofetz Chaim

I found here a website which mentions an interview in English that he had with Chofetz Chaim talmidim about the Alter of Slabodka - is that what your friend could have meant? It writes there: I ...
Dov's user avatar
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3 votes

Saying Kaddish for a Talmid chacham/rebbe muvhak

The Bais Lechem Yehuda YD 376:5 says in the name of the Rama that a talmid muvhak can say Kaddish for his Rebbi. Here is a picture of the line, since it is in the middle of a long piece and hard to ...
Chatzkel's user avatar
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3 votes

Are we obligated to aspire to be Talmidei Chachamim?

The Talmud in Chagiga 5b records the following Beraita: תנו רבנן שלשה הקדוש ברוך הוא בוכה עליהן בכל יום על שאפשר לעסוק בתורה ואינו עוסק ועל שאי אפשר לעסוק בתורה ועוסק ועל פרנס המתגאה על הצבור Our ...
Alex's user avatar
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3 votes

Are we obligated to aspire to be Talmidei Chachamim?

R' Boruch Ber Lebowitz [Birchas Shmuel, Kiddushin #27] writes that the obligation of ושננתם לבנך is "לראות שבנו ובן בנו יהיו ת"ח וגאונים בתורה".
chortkov2's user avatar
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Are we obligated to aspire to be Talmidei Chachamim?

Shulchan Aruch Harav (Talmud Torah, 1): האב הוא חייב ללמד לבנו בעצמו או למצוא לו מלמד שילמדנו כל התורה כולה ואם אינו מוצא בחנם אף על פי שהוא בעצמו אינו יכול ללמדו ואפילו אינו יודע ללמוד כלל ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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2 votes

Who has a priority in Kibbud, a talmid Chacham or a kohen

Interestingly your question is an explicit mishna in Horayot 3:8 A priest precedes a Levite. A Levite precedes an Israelite. An Israelite precedes a son born from an incestuous or adulterous ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Are we obligated to aspire to be Talmidei Chachamim?

The Ksav Sofer (1815-1871)-- as quoted in this article (can't find his standalone commentary online)-- discusses this in his commentary to Bereishis 48:20: ... it is the obligation of ...
alicht's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is asking for a bracha allowed?

even when asking a rabbi to give you a blessing, what he is really doing is saying that hashem should bless you. often he will say " hashem should give you etc. etc."
Asher's user avatar
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Is da'as torah a natural process or supernatural?

In a letter to the editor in Tradition 28:3 (Spring 1994), R. Aharon Feldman writes as follows: Other than followers of certain Hassidic rebbeim, I have never heard of anyone who understands da'at ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 votes

At what point is someone considered תורתו אומנתו?

The Rosh Bava Basra 1:27 says as follows ונראה שת"ח שיש לו אומנות או קצת משא ומתן להתפרנס כדי חייו ולא להתעשר ובכל שעה שהוא פנוי מעסקו מחזר על דברי תורה לומד דברי תורה הוא הנקרא תורתו אומנותו It ...
Schmerel's user avatar
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Known Autodidact Talmidei Chachumim (Gedolim)

For what it's worth, Hebrew Wikipedia, under the term autodidact, consider R' Shalom Elyashive to be autodidact.
Alaychem goes to Codidact's user avatar
2 votes

Why are Talmidei Chochomim referred to as builders in the Gemara?

Shabbat 114a: מאי ״בנאין״? אמר רבי יוחנן: אלו תלמידי חכמים שעוסקין בבנינו של עולם כל ימיהן Who are builders? Rabbi Yochanan says: Torah scholars, who are busy building the world all their lives. The ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Do Talmid chachamim or parents get first priority

Mishna Bava Metzia 2:11: אֲבֵדָתוֹ וַאֲבֵדַת אָבִיו, אֲבֵדָתוֹ קוֹדֶמֶת. אֲבֵדָתוֹ וַאֲבֵדַת רַבּוֹ, שֶׁלּוֹ קוֹדֶמֶת. אֲבֵדַת אָבִיו וַאֲבֵדַת רַבּוֹ, שֶׁל רַבּוֹ קוֹדֶמֶת, שֶׁאָבִיו הֱבִיאוֹ ...
Double AA's user avatar
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Is there a Halacha in Rambam that says in the presence of your teacher you should always look at him?

There are two Gemaras that come to mind both based off a pasuk in Yeshaya... A Gemara in Eruvin 13b: אָמַר רַבִּי: הַאי דִּמְחַדַּדְנָא מֵחַבְרַאי דַּחֲזִיתֵיהּ לְרַבִּי מֵאִיר מֵאֲחוֹרֵיהּ, ...
Dov's user avatar
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Where should Halacha come from?

Wikipedia gives the full quote from the Bach is from Shut HaBach, 80 and Shu"t HaBach Hachadashot, 42 It is impossible to rule (in most cases) based on the Shulchan Aruch, as almost all his ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Are we obligated to aspire to be Talmidei Chachamim?

It greatly depends on how you define a Talmid Chacham - as opposed to Am Haaretz or as opposed to Ish Maaseh. As opposed to Am Haaretz - it is a sure Mitzvah to excel in learning Torah and observing ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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