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9 votes

Cleaning Tallis Godol and Tallis Koton

The Rema OC 21:3 mentions, that some have a custom of not giving a Tallis to a non-Jewish launderer. The Beis Yosef (ibid.) notes that he never heard of such a custom. Rabbi Zalman of Liadi in his ...
IsraelReader's user avatar
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Washing Tallit Katan

The best way to wash a wool tallit katan is by hand washing it. Washing machines and dryers can severely mess up a wool tallit katan if you're not careful. I would suggest hand washing the tallit ...
ezra's user avatar
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8 votes

Why does a Tallit-gadol and a Tallit-katan have Tzitziyot?

I think your questions reverses things. We wear a tallit because we want the mitzva of tzitzit. Therefore we look for a garment which is obligated in the mitzva, i.e., has four corners (MT Hilchot ...
mbloch's user avatar
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5 votes

Are Tzitzis obligated in Tzitzis

Indeed, perhaps a functionless tallit is not obligated in tzitzit. This seems to have been the opinion of R. Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz, at least: Shilhi Dekayta Siman 8 וכששטחתי את גליונות הספר ...
Alex's user avatar
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Community without tzitzith

Rabbenu Avraham ben HaRambam implies (HaMaspik L'Ovdei Hashem, ed. Wincelberg p. 27) that in his place and time it was not common to wear a four cornered garment with tsitsit. He is giving examples ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Wearing the tallit katan over the shirt in Chabad

The Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 8:11) writes: עיקר מצוַת טלית קטן ללובשו על בגדיו, כדי שתמיד יראהו ויזכור המצוות The main Mitzvah of Tzitzis is to wear it on one's garments, so one would see them and ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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4 votes

Why does a Chabad tallit katan have silk corners?

In a letter in Igros Kodesh vol. 3 the Lubavitcher Rebbe brings the source of the Chabad custom: The Rebbe my father-in-law Shlita said the following: “Such is the custom of our Rebbe’s house”… “The ...
Yehoshua Levy's user avatar
4 votes

Why are the holes diagonal on a Chabad tallis katan?

The reason why Chabad follow this practice is because the Rebbe wrote about it specifically in his Igrot Kodesh, Volume 2, pg. 313, letter 342 saying it was the practice of his father-in-law, the ...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
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reason for black lines on wool talis katan

The stripes remind us of the techelet, as was mentioned. Why black? Some Poskim say the dye itself was black, although the fish was blue. See Rambam Hilchos Tzitzis 2:2 (cited below) Black is a ...
shmu's user avatar
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Does anyone have a good video tutorial for tying Tzitzit knots?

Mois Navon of the Ptil Tekhelet Organization offers video tutorials via YouTube for tying the various methods of tzitzit with techelet. For tying tzitzit without techelet, please see these videos: ...
ezra's user avatar
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3 votes

What is said about wearing a Tallit Katan night?

Mishna Berura 21:15 שלא לשכב - ובכתבי האר"י ז"ל כתוב ע"פ הסוד שיש לשכב בלילה בטלית קטן To not sleep - And in the writings of the Arizal it is written based on the mystical teaching [...
Chatzkel's user avatar
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Community without tzitzith

R. Eliezer ben Nathan has a responsum (Sefer Ra'avan siman 40) in which the question posed was, "why do the majority of Jews not wear tzitzit on a daily basis?" שאלני חתני רבי אורי מצוה חמודה כמו ...
Alex's user avatar
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Exemption from wearing tallit katan other than in extreme heat?

Rav Yitzchak Abadi (Ohr Yitzchak vol 1:8) writes that if it is uncformatable wearing tzizts (obviously coming from a true discomfort) then one would be exempt. Such examples he gives is working out,...
sam's user avatar
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3 votes

Washing Tallit Katan

Wool needs to be washed warm, hot water will shrink it, usually. Safest is to hand-wash them. If you want to machine wash them, it's best to put the fringes in plastic bags (and poke a few holes) ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
3 votes

Why was the use of the tallit instituted as halacha?

Although he does not seem to agree with the full extent of your citation (i.e. that it is an actual duty), Rambam (Hilkhot Tsitsit 3:12) writes that this mitsvah is particularly important, and ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Skver Tallis Katan

Most Chasidim wear a V-Neck Talis Kotton. Skver wears a round neck Talis Kotton, however they still have two holes for the Tzitzis like the other Chasidim therefore the regular Askenaz round neck ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Keeping the tallis katan straight underneath the shirt

There is actually a din that the tzitzis strings need to be coming from along the corner as the pasuk says "al kanfaihen". That's why some people do not tuck in so that their tzitzis hang ...
chochom's user avatar
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Why does a Chabad tallit katan have silk corners?

I guess it's a historical vestige from the times chassidim were all about wearing silk and not wearing woolen garments in order to avoid shaatnez. For example, the Chassidim famously go about wearing ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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Does one fullfill mitzvah of Tziszis still for the day if he just dons Tallis Gadol for Shacharis?

The question appears to contain a mistaken premise. There is no daily obligation to wear sisith. However any time one wears a four cornered garment, they are obligated to wear sisith upon it. This is ...
Deuteronomy's user avatar
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Sefaradi Tzitzit Minhag

Background: Without running through all the sources, I recommend researching Tur-Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 11:14, as the basic assumptions you're making aren't accurate. Shulchan Aruch, for example ...
MDjava's user avatar
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Hayyim Vital on the tallit katan

Rav Chaim Vital Pri Etz Chaim, Shaar Tzitzit I was actually expounding on the opinion of the Arizal who also felt that a talis kattan should not be worn over one's cloths. Rav Chaim Vital explained ...
Schmerel's user avatar
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Why do we put on tallis katan but without a bracha on Tisha b'Av?

The Shulchan Aruch 555:1 states this halacha נוהגים שלא להניח תפילין בתשעה באב שחרית ולא טלית אלא לובשים טלית קטן תחת בגדים בלא ברכה ובמנח' מניחים ציצית ותפילין ומברכים עליהם The MB brings some who ...
Chatzkel's user avatar
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When to wear Tallit?

A regular (vs. Shaliach Tzibur) only wears a Tallis Gadol at shachris. For Ashkenazi, only on Tisha Beav isnit worn by Mincha. Some Sefardic Communities follow the ruling to wear it (alongside ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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When to wear Tallit?

A tallis gadol is worn every morning at shacharis (morning prayer), the only time you'd wear a tallis gadol at night would be Yom Kipur eve. Tallis katon is worn all day every day, independent of ...
Ben Moshe's user avatar
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What is said about wearing a Tallit Katan night?

Refer to this website on the Shulchan Aruch HaRav here: The scrupulous are particular to sleep with a Tallis Katan.1 The Arizal severely warned that one is to wear the Tallis Katan at all times, even ...
Dov's user avatar
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Are Tzitzis obligated in Tzitzis

Rabbi Jonathan Ziring, in the lecture linked to above by DoubleAA, brings a Machlokes between Rav Aviner, who allows people to wear an Israeli flag without adding Tzitzis, since it has the status of '...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Washing Tallit Katan

If you can find a dry cleaner that will protect the integrity of the tzitzis, this would be the most ideal way to clean them. Washing them by hand would be the second best. This helps in the following ...
Laser123's user avatar
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A shorter person with a normal sized tallis katan

According to the Aruch Hashulchan 1:16:5, there is no official size for a talit katan, and therefore, one can make a blessing as long as the tzitzit is big enough for him: (Others disagree) ולעניות ...
aBochur's user avatar
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May the Tallit Katan be worn directly on the body?

Some say it not kavod to the mitzvah to wear directly on the body, especially if made of undershirt material designed to absorb sweat. (Rivevos Ephraim (4:15), See Masechet Tzitzis 5 re a begged ...
Shmerel's user avatar
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