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9 votes

Does one say "Shehecheyanu" on haadama fruit?

Gemara Eiruvin 40B: Rav Yehuda would say shehecheyanu on a new gourd. A gourd would have the brachah of borei pri ha'adamah. Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 225:6 says that it should be a fruit that is ...
David Kenner's user avatar
8 votes

Does one make a shehecheyanu on "used" jewelry?

Any item which upon acquiring would typically warrant the berachah, then even if the item was previously used/owned by another party (think: house) the Shulchan Aruch rules (OC §233:3) that the ...
Oliver's user avatar
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8 votes

Bedikat Chametz and Shehecheyanu

Taame Haminhagim (487–489) cites a few reasons: (from the Tur 432) because the search is for the holiday so the holiday's benediction covers it (from Avudraham) because we say that benediction only ...
msh210's user avatar
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7 votes

Do you say Shechiyanu on a used tallis you tied new tzitzis onto?

No you don't, you only make shechiyanu on a new Tallit (when you put on the tzitzit), but never on an old one. See Mishna Berura OC 22 sif katan 2, אם עשה ציצית בבגד שהיה לו מכבר אף שלא היה בו ...
Bach's user avatar
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7 votes

When to say shehecheyanu on a new fruit?

Halachipedia has a good rundown and explains as follows: When to make the Bracha According to some it is preferable to say Shehecheyanu before the Bracha on the fruit, however, the minhag is to make ...
Dov's user avatar
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5 votes

Reciting Birkat Shehechiyanu when purchasing a gun

To address your first point: Rav Shlomo Aviner (שאילת שלמה ח״ג פז) goes to great lengths to prove that one should make the Bracha of Shehechiyanu on purchasing a weapon for self-defense since we ...
Avishai Tebeka's user avatar
5 votes

Conditions for reciting על מקרא מגילה and שהחיינו on non-Esther megillot

The earliest source to make a beracha on reading the 5 megillos is Meseches Sofrim (14:1): ברות ובשיר השירים בקהלת באיכה ובמגלת אסתר צריך לברך, ולומר על מקרא מגילה, ואף על פי שכתובה בכתובים. והקורא ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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5 votes

What blessings would one say upon receiving the COVID19 vaccine?

I will present a brief survey of opinions here; much (digital) ink has been spilled on this topic so I can't claim this answer to be fully comprehensive, but it should provide an outline as well as ...
Joel K's user avatar
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4 votes

Bedikat Chametz and Shehecheyanu

msh210's excellent answer led me to two other reasons: Ba'al HaIttur (quoted in Tur 432) presents an opinion that shehecheyanu is not recited because bedikat chametz is not strictly seasonal. If one ...
Joel K's user avatar
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4 votes

Blessing Shehechyanu long before eating in second evening of Rosh Hashana

See Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 225:3. One makes shehecheyanu upon seeing a new fruit (although customarily this blessing is deferred until eating of the fruit). Thus, on the second night of Rosh ...
Joel K's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is Maatanos Levyonim not mentioned in regards to the bracha of שהחיינו?

As you note, the MA and MB following the language of the Shelah absent the obligation of מתנות לאביונים when discussing the blessing of שהחיינו. However other sources, such as חיי אדם, פרי מגדים, ...
Deuteronomy's user avatar
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3 votes

A barmitzvah boy saying shehechiyanu on new tefillin when wearing them prior to barmitzvah

So after searching high and low I came across the Halachically Speaking (Vol. 13, Issue 2) on the topic of Barmitzvah and Tefillin - see p.7. Rav Moishe Dovid Lebovitz there makes a clear distinction ...
Dov's user avatar
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3 votes

Shehechiyanu when lighting in shul

Sha'arei Teshuva on O.C. 671 sk 14 says that if one has lit at home first, said Shehechiyanu and then lights in shul, he should say Shehechiyanu in shul. However, if he lit in shul first and said ...
DanF's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it required or allowed to make a שהחיינו on a highly seasonal variety of apple?

The sources are all found surrounding Shulchan Arukh OC 225:4 discussing two kinds of cherries (?) (sweet and sour?). Both the Shulchan Arukh and Rama rule that your case seemingly would get its own ...
Double AA's user avatar
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2 votes

What is considered "new clothing" for purposes of saying "Shehechiyanu"?

See here where the site enumerates shehechiyanu may be required for: Important clothing such as a suit, tuxedo, expensive hat, or shtriemel can deserve a Shehecheyanu if the clothing brings joy to a ...
NJM's user avatar
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2 votes

Kiddush on Sukkos before tzeit?

A woman eating outside the Succah can make Kiddush before Tzeis (nightfall) as Kiddush a woman is Obligated to do Kiddush Mideoraita, but she is not obligated to eat in the Succah. So if she chooses ...
user15464's user avatar
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2 votes

New fruit for second-night Shehecheyanu on holidays other than Rosh Hashanah

I knew the reason for this, but it took me some time to find an actual source for it. The Halacha to take new fruits in the second night is recorded in Shulchan Aruch OC 600:2: בקידוש ליל שני (...
DonielF's user avatar
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2 votes

Can you say shechechiyanu on something you might return?

In general, one says Shehecheyanu because of the joy one feels - to thank Hashem for allowing us to arrive to that time and feel that joy. Therefore, if you feel joyous after the acquisition of the ...
mbloch's user avatar
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2 votes

Shehecheyanu on sefiras haomer

See Shu"t HaRaavad 111 that when one's body does not derive pleasure then no שהחיינו is recited. See the footnote as well which discusses other sources and another possible reason. Text :
sam's user avatar
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1 vote

Saying Shehechiyanu on new glasses

Saying שהחיינו On the Dirshu site there's an answer by רבי מרדכי הלוי שוורצבורד who decides that since spectacles are worn to correct a medical "issue", one does not say שהחיינו. המשקפיים ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
1 vote

Shehecheyanu on eyeglasses

Halachipedia writes (my bolding of its text) If one builds a new house or buys or receives a new vessel or clothing of significance a Shehecheyanu is required. [19] If one purchases insignificant ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
1 vote

Why Hatov V'Hameitiv for son?

You skipped the first bit of the statement and have misunderstood him. He is not explaining the obligation of Hatov Vehameitiv by comparison to those who say Hagomel. Rather, he is giving two reasons ...
Double AA's user avatar
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Why is the beracha of Shehechiyanu phrased in the plural?

The Sefer Chassidim (composed during 1185 - 1215 by Judah HeHasid) says that the reason Shehechiyanu is phrased in the plural is because had it been phrased in a singular language, there are times ...
alicht's user avatar
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Is the bracha of shecheyanu for buying new items said when buying medical equipment which he hopes he will never need to use?

There is a certain amount of subjectivity in the bracha of shecheyanu in that the bracha is said if the object you buy brings you joy. dinonline writes Authorities dispute whether the berachah of ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Buying Second Hand Clothing in aveilut

Regarding second-hand new clothing after שלושים, Reb Moshe writes (אגרות משה יו"ד חלק ד' סי' ס"א אות י"ח) that since after shloshim it is only a minhag, the issur should really only be for things that ...
פרי זהב's user avatar
1 vote

shehecheyanu on eruv tavshilin

There are some suggestions at this Web site:
Michoel's user avatar
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1 vote

Shehecheyanu on sefiras haomer

There are a number of answers brought down and several have already been listed. A few additional answers are as follows: In Sefer Hamanhig (Hilchos Pesach, 64) by Rav Avraham ben Natan HaYarchi, he ...
Dov's user avatar
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