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Rosh Hashanah cooking

No, the two days of Rosh Hashana are like every other two day holiday in this regard (OC 503:1).
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Is a Shofar Muktzeh on the second day of Rosh Hashanah this year?

The Rama in 308:4 says that a shofar is a kli shemelachto lissur and can only be moved if you need to use it ושופר אסור לטלטלו כ"א לצורך גופו או מקומו (הגהות אשירי סוף פרק במה מדליקין): It is ...
Chatzkel's user avatar
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Birthday of the world

The second cheilek of Talelei Oros on Rosh Hashanah (p.קסד) notes how the Avudraham explains that the term הרת is used to represent the "pregnancy" of the world coming to its conclusion. We ...
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שב between the tekiot?

Perhaps what the aruch hashulchan writes in OC 590:5 ועוד נראה לי: כיון דקשה לתוקע לתקוע שלשים קולות בהמשך אחד, ובהכרח שינוח קצת, כמו שהמנהג אצלינו לנוח קצת בין תשר"ת לתש"ת ובין תש"ת ...
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שב between the tekiot?

It means sit down after hearing the blasts, that the preceding instruction was to stand up for: גם השומעים נכון שיעמדו It is proper that also those who hear it should stand
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Why eating Rosh Hashan Simanim (signs) only in the evenings

I think the night meal is the first opprotunity at the begining of the year and there would be no need to repeat it at day. (Those who repeat the Simanim at second night do this because of "...
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