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Why do we make a Brocho on Pidyon Haben

Rav Pam ZT"L was bothered by your question [and other questions] on the way people understand the Rashba. Most people understand the Rashba's point, that things which may not happen because someone ...
פרי זהב's user avatar
8 votes

Pidyon Haben: Why bedek the child in Jewelry?

Bechadrei Chadorim mentions the reason is לקשט, המקור הוא להעלות את "ערכו" של התינוק ולהראות את חשיבותו למשפחתו. To adorn the child: The source is to enhance the value of the child and to ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
6 votes

If a father does not arrange pidyon haben for his firstborn son, what happens?

If the father neglects to do it the son redeems himself at his first opportunity. (Shulchan Arukh YD 305:15)
Double AA's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there a source for Pidyon Haben seuda equivalent to 84 fasts?

This idea is quoted by the Sdei Chemed (Mareches Samech, Klal 54) who relates of an incident where he declined an invitation to a pidyon haben in Jerusalem in the year 5659. In response, he was told ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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5 votes

Can a Kohen refuse Pidyon Haben money

A Kohen has the ability to refuse to accept the money of the Pidyon Haben. However, the Pidyon Haben may take effect regardless. Ketzos HaChoshen (243:4) quotes Pri Chadash (Kuntras Mayim Chaim) that ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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What physical/health factors disqualify an otherwise qualified bechor from pidyon haben?

There is a very interesting 4-volume set of seforim called Nishmas Avraham by Rabbi Dr Avraham-Sofer Avraham which details medical and health based halachos. They are all available on -...
Dov's user avatar
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5 votes

Pidyon Haben and Convert Parents

Your question could use some clarification, but, if you're asking whether the firstborn son of a Giyoret requires Pidyon, the answer is yes, even if she conceived before converting. Shulchan Aruch, ...
MDjava's user avatar
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4 votes

Woman with 2 wombs in regards to pidyon haben

the mishna in bechoros states that a child born after a ceaserian birth does not require pidyon (this is codified as halcha). gemara explains that although he is considered the opener of the womb, he ...
Hershy S.'s user avatar
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Differences of Timing of Se'udah for Brit and Pidyon Haben

The sefer Pidyon HaBen KeHilchaso 8:37 brings two customs. One is as you described. The custom of starting the meal first and then performing the pidyon haben is brought by the Maharil, Shu"t Mahari ...
robev's user avatar
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3 votes

Why Do We Still Practice Pidyon Haben?

The Levite-counts-for-you was a one-time deal in the desert as they solidified the tribal system and consecrated the Levites. (Earlier in the Book of Numbers.) One particular firstborn at the time ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Why no early pidyon haben?

It is not clear that you can redeem the child before he is a month old. What is clear in the sources is you can give the money to the priest before the child is a month old stipulating that the money ...
Double AA's user avatar
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Can a father ever be the Kohen at his sons Pidyon Haben?

If the son is a challal. If a Kohen fathers a challal, the son is not a Kohen and therefore needs to be redeemed. However, there is no 'ceremony', because the father is זוכה בפדיונו automatically. So ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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3 votes

Does a Ger who was a firstborn need to redeem himself?

The ger, not having been born of a Jewish mother, is not subject to redemption at all and therefore isn't required to do it for himself. This article from OU outlines various cases of who does or ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
3 votes

Pidyon Haben with more than one Cohen

Answer to question "Is this valid?": Yes, it is valid. Nevertheless, it is a machlokes if it is lechatchila to distribute the 5 coins to numerous Kohanim. Although the Gemara (Bechoros 51b, ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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3 votes

If a father does not arrange pidyon haben for his firstborn son, what happens?

It's possible that the local rabbinic authority is responsible to arrange for the Pidyon Haben if the father doesn't do it (Be'er Heitev on YD 305:15). If not, the son should do it himself when he ...
Josh's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the source for the garlic and sugar at a Pidyon HaBen?

Rav Moshe Heinemann said in a shiur that there was a time when garlic was very expensive, and was one of the spices Christopher Columbus was searching for on his path to India. Garlic wasn’t naturally ...
NJM's user avatar
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2 votes

Do we assume a Bris or Pidyon has been done?

Bris Milah The Shulchan Aruch says in Yoreh Deah סימן רסג - ילד שהוא אדם או ירק, ומי שבניו מתים מחמת מילה that when doing Hatafas Dam Bris one does not make a Bracha - unless one is certain that there'...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
2 votes

Baby born bein hashmoshos -- when to make pidyon haben?

See Yoreh Deah 305:11. The Shach says to make a pidyon haben only after a lunar month has passed (average lunar month is 29.5 days + 44 minutes). The Magen Avraham in contrast says to make a pidyon ...
Chona's user avatar
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Anyone not redeemed doesn't redeem: what about second-borns?

Rashi on לפדות את עצמו. comments כשהוא בכור ולא פדאו אביו: if he were a first-born and his father had not redeemed him. I understand the gemoro using Rashi to mean: whoever falls into that ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
2 votes

When should a Pidyon Haben occur?

Not less than 30, but as soon as possible from the 31st. Shulchan Aruch YD 305:11 and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 164:3 affirm this. אֵין פּוֹדִין אֶת הַבְּכוֹר, עַד שֶׁיַעַבְרו עָלָיו שְׁלֹשִׁים יוֹם. ...
Shimon de Valencia's user avatar
2 votes

Pidyon ha-Ben on multiple occasions? Blessing or not?

The Pischei Teshuva in YD 305:12 brings from the Yaavetz (the Chasam Sofer disagrees) this exact idea: גם נראה שלצאת ידי כל ספק האפשרי יש ג"כ על האב לפדות בכורו מכל כהנים שיוכל למצוא דלמא מתרמי ...
Chatzkel's user avatar
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Dollar Value of Sela

In this case it's intended as a weight of silver, not a currency per se. As DoubleAA noted above, half a troy ounce is your rule of thumb. (Rashi says "half an unkia in kolonia; despite having ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Is the Pidyon haben a debt with the Beit Hamikdash?

The Mitzvah of redeeming the first born was given - in order to commemorate the miracle of the firstborns - even before the priesthood was taken away from them (Exudes 13), but were only commanded to ...
שלום's user avatar
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Is the Pidyon haben a debt with the Beit Hamikdash?

Its symbolically like that, but the money isn't due to the bait hamikdash. It is due to any Cohen but it isn't a debt. So designated money isn't hekdesh and the obligation doesn't go away with shemita....
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
1 vote

The daughter of a Bas Levi and a Gentile?

You're asking about a grandson of a bas levi? This only works one generation; it's not an "any drop of blood" thing. Miss Levi marries Mister Israel; their firstborn son doesn't need a ...
Shalom's user avatar
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When a seudat mitzvah and minor fast both fall on Shabbat

This site explains the procedure: If day 31 is on Shabbat or a major Jewish holiday (other than Chanukah, Purim or Chol Hamoed), the pidyon haben takes place on the next weekday. If day 31 is a ...
DanF's user avatar
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Seudas Pidyon HaBen and Bris Milah together

Rav Eliyashiv in Ashrei HaIsh YD page 157 is quoted that it is permissible and does not consider it an issue. Text:
sam's user avatar
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Seudas Pidyon HaBen and Bris Milah together

Sefer Yismach Lev Volume 4 / Page 92 brings from Tosfos Moed Kattan 8b - Mipnei Bitul Pirya V'Rivya that one may make a Bris on Chol HaMoed as it is not considered a Simcha as there is pain for the ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar

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