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Saying Yishtabach in one breath

Siddur Avodas Yisroel brings in the name of the Shla"h that the 15 expressions of praise parallel the fifteen words of Birkas Kohanim, and that they therefore should be said in a single breath to ...
Adám's user avatar
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Why do we still stand at Vayevarech Dovid on a Shabbos and/or Yom Tov?

While the Arizal does indeed say that A) one should stand for Vayivarech David, and B) that one should give tzedakah standing during Vayivarech David, these customs are not dependent on one another. ...
DonielF's user avatar
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What is the basis for the custom to stand or sit by Vayivarech Dovid?

To stand for Vayevarech David is codified by the Rema, OC 51:7: ונהגו לעמוד כשאומרים ברוך שאמר ויברך דוד וישתבח: The custom is to stand when they say Baruch She’amar, Vayivarech David, and ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Reconciling "פותח את ידך" and knowing people are starving?

“Umasbi'a lechol chai ratzon – …and cause satisfaction for every living being…” At this point, attempts to parse the grammar falter. “Ratzon” can means desire, as we see in a few verses, “Retzon yerei'...
Micha Berger's user avatar
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Should one lain the trop while reciting Shiras Hayam during Pesukei D'zimra?

Its brought down in Siddur Arizal to say Shiras Hayam with the trop.
sam's user avatar
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Saying Pesukei DiZimra after Davening

The Tur (Orach Chaim § 52) brings a dispute about this. Someone asked Rav Netronai Gaon if they can skip Pesukei D'Zimra and say it after their prayers, and he responded no. Rather, they should say an ...
robev's user avatar
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Mizmor L'Toda with Melody

Historically, there were rabbinic authorities who cited the custom of singing this mizmor. Among Polish Jewry, the Matteh Moshe [R. Moshe Mat of Galicia, c. 1591] (see #48) and the Levush [R. Mordecai ...
Aryeh's user avatar
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Reconciling "פותח את ידך" and knowing people are starving?

I’d like to propose an answer of my own, which I have not seen anyone say, based on the continuation of the Pesukim: “Hashem is righteous in all His ways...Hashem is close to those who call Him, to ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Reasons to say Psalm 30 before Barukh Sheamar

The Aruch HaShulchan (cited below) writes that Psalm 30 before Baruch Sheamar is part of Nusach Ashkenaz. He also offers an original reason for its recitation. He writes, "the practice of ...
BigJohn's user avatar
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Why have Psalm 135 instead of 146 and omit Psalm 147 in Pesukei D'Zimra?

There's only one near-complete manuscript of this siddur, which the main text in the link you give comes from, but there are other fragments of manuscripts of this siddur, and as noted at the bottom ...
Aaron Marsh's user avatar
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What is our "matir" for saying Tehillim before or after Shacharis?

I asked this of Rav Schachter and he thought it's a good question for Tehillim and Selichot before Shacharit, but for afterwards seemingly it lasts all day.
MDjava's user avatar
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Reconciling "פותח את ידך" and knowing people are starving?

In his commentary to Berachot 4b, R. Ezekiel Landau notes that the word רצון used in this verse appears out of place. If the verse was referring to every creature receiving all of its sustenance needs ...
Alex's user avatar
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What is the set in Pesukei deZimra according to the Tur?

The essential weekday pesukei dezimra is described in Tur OC 51 as follows: A preceding blessing (baruch she-amar) Psalms 145-150 (inclusive) A concluding blessing (yishtabach). He then adds that ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Does the Shaliach Tzibur need to be at the Amud throughout Pesukey D'Zimra?

The Tur (סימן נג) writes ועומד ש"צ ומתחיל ישתבח Translation - the Shaliach Tzibbur gets up and says Yishtabach. We can derive from this, that until Yishtabach no Shalich Tzibur was present, as ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Translation of "Ashrei"

The English word "happy" derives from the word "hap," which originally meant chance, fortune, or luck, and came to mean any sort of event. We still have this meaning in words like ...
JL Ruby's user avatar
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Translation of "Ashrei"

It seems that classic commentators on Tehillim have different explanations of the word. The word אַשְׁרֵי first appears in the first chapter of Tehillim - as the first word - so I took some ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
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Different endings of Yishtabach

I was only able to find a solutions to some issues you raised. Answer based on the סידור רבינו הזקן עם ציונים והערות (picture below) and מאמר נוסח התפלה סי' יג: Why do we say א-ל חי (nusach 3 and 5)? ...
user6781's user avatar
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Reconciling "פותח את ידך" and knowing people are starving?

I heard [myself saying] once: משביע לכל חי רצון can mean (in Hebrew) "providing/making everyone [to] desire]". The very idea that we want things is not trivial as it might seem, some people get so ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Reconciling "פותח את ידך" and knowing people are starving?

I saw a number of answers among the meforshim. They all translate the Pasuk differently, minimizing the difficulty. 1) Metzudas David: You open Your hand and satisfy all the living according to its ...
LN6595's user avatar
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Pesukei de-Zimra in Sidur of Amram Gaon

R. Amram writes that in the Babylonian yeshiva they would say אלה ברכב ואלה בסוסים... המה כרעו ונפלו... ה' הושיעה המלך יעננו... ברוך אתה ה' אמ"ה הא-ל המלך המהולל בפי עמו... Then they would say ...
wfb's user avatar
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Reasons to say Psalm 30 before Barukh Sheamar

After having posted my question I've done some research and found some additional points: R' Avraham Landau in Tzelota deAvraham discussed that Psalm 30 was not present neither in Siddur Rav Amram ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Can a Shaliach Tzibbur repeat Birchos HaShachar/ Korbanot for the tzibur if he had said them prior to the start of the minyan?

If you want to discharge someone else's obligation the question would be if they are ברכת הנהנין - brachos on pleasure - which one cannot repeat if he already fulfilled his own obligation, or if they ...
פרי זהב's user avatar
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Reasons to say Psalm 30 before Barukh Sheamar

One source is the Yesod Vishoresh Haavoda (shaar 3 chapter 3). He says simply: הוא תקון גדול מתקוני התפילות לאמרו קודם ברוך שאמר על פי האר"י ז"ל It is a great tikun from amongst the tikunim ...
Mordechai's user avatar
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Word count methods

With Psalm 67, the extra four words you're seeing are verse 1, which is the caption, and isn't counted towards the total. Indeed, any siddur that has these words for the respective days of Sefiras ...
Meir's user avatar
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Difference in starting order of Psukei Dezimra

According to Seder Olam Rabbah, the first fifteen verses of Hodu were recited during the morning korban tamid service, and the last fourteen verses were recited during the afternoon korban tamid ...
ezra's user avatar
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Interruption Pesukei dezimra? (ה' מלך ה' מלך ה' ימלוך לעולם)

In short, no. Once one begins Pesukei deZimra, his ability to respond to various parts of davening are already limited. See Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 51:2-5 and the commentary you follow's comments ...
MDjava's user avatar
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Translation of "Ashrei"

Rav Shimshon Rafael Hirsch translates ashrei as "striding forward", both in Tehillim and in Chumash. See in Chumash where he gives his reasons.
MichoelR's user avatar
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Too fast or no minyan?

You might do what I'm doing today, which is to practice at home with a tape of the service or videos available online. With practice comes speed.
Ruth's user avatar
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