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How can Ramban give this reason?

The Ramban's viewpoint is supported by a passage from the Zohar, a significant work in Jewish mysticism. In this text, Rabbi Yehuda explains that because Abraham went to Egypt without a clear divine ...
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Who curses Abraham?

Many Rishonim observe a nuanced distinction in the text. They highlight that "וּמְקַלֶּלְךָ֖" is expressed in the singular form, whereas "מְבָ֣רְכֶ֔יךָ" is written in the plural. ...
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Lech Lecha: Avraham fulfilled G-ds mitzvos with joy

Midrash Tehillim 112:1: Abraham fulfilled the entire Torah from Aleph to Tav, as it is written, "Because Abraham obeyed me and did everything I required of him, keeping my commands, my decrees ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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On the status of Melchizedek as a Kohen

How is it possible for non-Jews to have the status of a Kohen? So firstly, Shem the son of Noach is identified as Malkitzedek (Bereishis Rabbah 56:10) - whilst we attribute Avraham as the "first ...
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Avraham, the four Kings, and the future redemption

In the recently published sefer דבר שפר on בראשית, which consists of the Thursday night shiurim of the late Rabbi Moshe Shapero z"l, on Parshas Lech Lecho, there is an enlightening essay on the ...
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On the status of Melchizedek as a Kohen

Refer to Tehillim 110:4. The meforshim there explain that "priesthood" could also mean leadership. For example, Rashi (sv. דברתי מלכי צדק) says: The word כהן bears the connotation of ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Anesthetics during Brit milah

Rav Moshe Feinstein rules that it is permitted. (However, I heard from an anesthesiologist that for babies there is no point, as the injection would be equally painful to the bris itself.)
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Haamek Davar's implication that God used childbearing terminology

It seems, you are asking about the point that Abraham himself is trying to clarify according to Netziv at this point. This is the comment 108 in the r. Mordechai Kuperman edition of Emek Davar here: ...
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