Did manna really fall from heaven according to Rambam or Gersonides?
Both Maimonides and Gersonides believed that manna fell from heaven.
Maimonides discusses the verse which describes the manna as raining down from the doors of heaven and asserts that the "doors ...
Did babies nurse in the wilderness?
Rashi (Bamidbar 11:5) explains why the manna did not assume the taste of those items enumerated in that pasuk:
אמר ר' שמעון מפני מה המן משתנה לכל דבר חוץ מאלו מפני שהן קשים למניקות אומרים לאשה אל ...
Munn in the World to Come
Talmud Bavli (Hagigah 12b), from Sefaria:
ר"ל אמר שבעה ואלו הן וילון רקיע שחקים זבול מעון מכון ערבות... שחקים שבו רחיים עומדות וטוחנות מן לצדיקים שנאמר (תהלים עח, כג) ויצו שחקים ממעל ודלתי שמים פתח ...
Munn in the World to Come
One source for this is the Midrash Otiot D'Rabbi Akiva (Version A) (s.v. Uma Nishtana in Battei Midrashot Vol. II) which states:
ומנין שהמן בשחקים והיה טחון ברחיים בשביל צדיקים ובשביל ישראל לעולם ...
What is the punishment before Vayehi Bineso'ah Ha'aron?
Ramban to Numbers 10:35 :
וקרא החטא "פורענות" אע"פ שלא אירע להם ממנו פורענות ושמא אלמלא חטאם זה היה מכניסם לארץ מיד
Chazal call the sin "punishment" even though no punishment occured, maybe ...
Why didn't Moshe tell B'nai Yisra'el about what to do with the mahn on the 6th day of the week?
The Rashbam on posuk 22-23 points this out and answers that he did this purposefully with the intent that the Bnei Yisroel should be surprised and shocked about this double portion, which when ...
G-d willing to give Manna/Quail, but is angered the second time?
There are various answers to this question, links here (Shemos) and here (Bamidbar):
Targum Pseudo-Yonasan suggests that it is because they did not offer the proper thanks for the quail in Sefer ...
In Parshas Behalosecha why did Bnei Yisrael need to cry for meat?
The Israelite's were definitely able to eat their animals (if the blood was sprinkled on the altar the meat was theirs like any shelamim. see chulin 16b). According to the Ramban (11:4) they didn't ...
Was there a double portion of Mon on Erev Yom Kippur
I didn't find an explicit source to answer this yet. But it is a very interesting question! On Erev Shabbos they needed a double portion of Manna for a combination of two reasons:
#1) No Manna would ...
Tanach verses with narrative similar to Quran 2:61
Yes Numbers 11:4-8 is likely what you are looking for
The riffraff in their midst felt a gluttonous craving; and then the
Israelites wept and said, “If only we had meat to eat! We remember the
Did Am Israel pray for the mann to fall in the desert?
Yoma 76a:
Why didn’t the mann fall for Israel in larger amounts - maybe enough
for a year? A mashal: A king had a son; he gave his son parnassah for
a year, and his son came to see him once a year. ...
Who wrote the verse near the end of the story about Mahn in Shmot 16:35?
B"H Via Google and Da`at, I found R' Yizhaq Avrabanel addressing this question (my translation) although he doesn't seem bothered by the revealing of future events and chalks it up to Omniscience....
In Parshas Behalosecha why did Bnei Yisrael need to cry for meat?
The short answer to your question is Yes. That is why they were punished for the improper actions and complaints.
Beha'aloscha 11:1 starts out that
The people were looking to complain, and it was ...
How did a Rasha know he was a Rasha?
Very good question.
I thought that the levels here were based on one's general zerizus (alacrity) to perform mitzvos. The mun fell all over; inside, around, and beyond the camp. Whoever woke up early ...
In Parshas Behalosecha why did Bnei Yisrael need to cry for meat?
The Midrash (Bamidbar Rabbah 15:24, from Tanchuma Beha'alosecha) directly addresses this question:
כְּשֶׁחָזְרוּ וּבָכוּ וּבִקְּשׁוּ בָּשָׂר, אִם נֹאמַר בְּשַׂר חַיָּה, כָּל מַה שֶּׁבִּקְּשׁוּ ...
In Parshas Behalosecha why did Bnei Yisrael need to cry for meat?
Very good question. This was the "puzzle" of many commentators on Moses's question to G-d in Bemidbar 11:22 when he asks G-d, essentially, "How will you feed 600,00 people with meat and fish for a ...
Who wrote the verse near the end of the story about Mahn in Shmot 16:35?
The Ramban in במדבר פרק-כא addresses this:
השלים הכתוב להזכיר הענין בכאן וזה כענין הפרשה שאמרה ברדת המן (שמות טז לד לה) ויניחהו אהרן לפני העדות למשמרת ובני ישראל אכלו את המן ארבעים שנה עד בואם אל ...
G-d willing to give Manna/Quail, but is angered the second time?
The Midrash (Bamidbar Rabbah 15:24, from Tanchuma Beha'alosecha) answers this question in the process of answering a different one:
כְּשֶׁחָזְרוּ וּבָכוּ וּבִקְּשׁוּ בָּשָׂר, אִם נֹאמַר בְּשַׂר ...
Was there a double portion of Mon on Erev Yom Kippur
brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Dear Sholem,
One could suggest ...
Moshe, Aharon, Miriam
Possibly, one has to start with Avraham to answer the question, as in gemara Bava Metzia 86b: the school of Rabbi Yishmael taught: In reward for three acts of hospitality that Abraham performed for ...
Moshe, Aharon, Miriam
There seem to be evident strong connections, I do not know if there is a midrash, which directly answers the question. For example, Torah provides nourishment to the soul, just like manna provided ...
Why did Chazal list so many manna-related miracles?
I asked this question in my shul and someone gave the following answer which I liked:
Since the Torah itself goes out of its way to make the miracle greater, adding many seemingly unnecesary details (...
Understanding the Man (Manna) imparting whatever taste the person desired in light of their spiritual standing
So after a lot of searching I came across the interpretation of the Gerrer Rebbe in the Sfas Emes Likuttim at the end of Parshas Beshalach here which helps gives a little a bit of an approach to ...
Halachic ramifications of using a digital lollipop
Regarding tasting food on fast day the Shulchan Aruch
567:1 allows a taste up to a reviis if nothing is swallowed ,the Rama is stringent. Regarding non kosher taste, the gemara in chullin 109b writes ...
Why does the piyut of Dayenu in the Haggadah shel Pesah say "Ilu he'echilanu et hamann" before "Ilu natan lanu et HaShabat?"
The passage of the Manna goes into detail about proper Shabbos observance, and this is part of the study (according to Ramban) and perhaps also the practice (simple reading of Rashi) of the pre-Sinai ...
How did a Rasha know he was a Rasha?
We know that "hamarbeh lo hirbeh vhamamit lo hichsir." No matter how much they collected, they were left with an omer l'gulgolos.
Shemos 16
And the children of Israel did so: they gathered, both ...
How did a Rasha know he was a Rasha?
I'd like to agree with David's chiddush, while we may never know for certain, generally speaking early risers are of positive connotation in society and nature and late rising is usually neutral or ...
G-d willing to give Manna/Quail, but is angered the second time?
Rav Hirsch explains on Beshalach 16:4 that He is not providing the food as a result of the dissatisfaction, but to teach them the lesson that He has already prepared the food in order to teach them ...
Was G-d "overcomplaining" in Shemot (Exodus) 16:28?
My brother in law suggested that the original test in verse 4 was only whether or not the Jews will follow the rules of the Mann (הילך בתורתי אם לא). However, after they failed the test, it was found ...
Can dew really make an eggshell fly?
First off, I would assume that the concept here would be kinda like a hot air balloon. However, I do know someone who tried, but it didn't work. (that doesn't really mean much, because there are so ...
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