New answers tagged mitzvah
Our relationship with Hashem
The Ramchal answers this himself in the chapters on Chassidut (18 onwards). He explains that this madraga of being a Chassid, higher in the gemara than Tzaddik, is expressed by doing things for Hashem ...
Our relationship with Hashem
The interpretation of the mishna in Avos 1:3 stems from misunderstanding of the meaning of the word פְּרָס used to denote a reward. Regarding the reward contained in the mitzvos, Avos 4:2 and the ...
Why there's no yearly Biblical commemoration for Matan Torah?
The Kli Yakar in parshas Emor addresses why there is no mention in the Torah that Shevous is commemorating Matan Torah. He says since the Torah is a constant, and is always supposed to be viewed anew, ...
What are the 270 mitzvot relevant today?
The Chofetz Chaim wrote a sefer (Sefer Hamitzvos Hakatzar) listing all of the commandments applicable today. He lists 77 positive commandments and 194 negative commandments, for a total of 271.
Why there's no yearly Biblical commemoration for Matan Torah?
This specific question has actually bothered R. Nathan Laufer to write an entire book about it. "Rendezvous with God. Revealing the Meaning of the Jewish Holidays and Their Mysterious Rituals&...
Why there's no yearly Biblical commemoration for Matan Torah?
The Torah isn't shy about telling the future. The Torah recounts how God promised Abraham he will be a great people in the future, he will inherit the land of Israel and that his descendants will ...
Why the Har Sinai revelation only included commandments?
Think about how Hashem rescued us from Egypt, with this whole build up to this great meeting and worship on a mountain. One can imagine how exciting that must have been for Benei Yisrael, and what was ...
Why "do not avenge" applies to "[all] members of your people" but "love" only to "thy neighbor"?
The word רֵעֲךָ/neighbor is not exclusive to the mitzvah of loving one's neighbor. It is also used in many different mitzvos including 10 commandments: Shemos 20:13, Shemos 20:14, Devarim 5:17, ...
Why the Har Sinai revelation only included commandments?
The Torah is a contract which Jewish people made with Hashem. We have 2 verses in Vayikra: 25:42 and 25:55: For it is to Me that the Israelites are servants: they are My servants, whom I freed from ...
Why isn’t ‘Zechor yemot olam…’ a mitzvah?
You are of course correct that the classical monei hamitzvot do not count zekhor yemot olam as one of the 613 mitzvot.
However, it is worth noting the words of R. Tazdok HaKohen of Lublin in his Sefer ...
Loss of not making a bracha on a mitzva
R' Akiva Eiger (Gilyon HaShas to Tosfos Berachos 12a) quotes Maharsha (Pesachim 102a) to differentiate between eating without a bracha and performing a mitzvah without a bracha, strongly implying that ...
Loss of not making a bracha on a mitzva
The basic reference for laws of blessings is the book book "The Laws of Brachos" by Rabbi Binyamin Forst. In the Introduction, section III. A key to d'veikus - attachment to God, he writes:
Tefillin with runny nose
Sure. There's no issue with coughing or blowing your nose while wearing Tefillin.
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