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Are locusts parve?

Fish and locusts are Pareve. Shulchan Arukh YD 87:3
Double AA's user avatar
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What is פנאד"ש?

I have found in the article (p. 8 of the PDF) of Eliezer Papo that it is מאכל ספרדי דומה לבורקס שלנו היום – כיסנים ממולאים בבשר או בגבינה.‏ a Sephardic food similar to our bourekas today – dumplings ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Is it permitted to eat dairy after eating non-kosher meat?

The Darkei Teshuva (Munkatch) 89:1 brings that if it one eats basar neveilah (not slaughtered correctly) or treifah (fatal defect) bshogeg, then they would need to wait, but if they ate basar timeiah (...
sam's user avatar
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Is Goat milk chalavi?

Yes, absolutely. If you think about it, the Torah verse about all of this talks about cooking a g'di in its mother's milk. Now while the Talmud reads that as referring to any young animal, most often ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Trying to find a quote of the Cheshek Shlomo

The Chesek Shlomo(which is Rabbi Shlomo Hakohen) can be found in the back of the Shulchan Aruch (Melachim) (Kovetz Mefarshim) which has many meforshim on each siman. Here is the text you are looking ...
sam's user avatar
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"Milky" chocolate does not have milk as ingredient - implications?

I had the same question concerning exactly this particular product. I called the chocolate company (Strauss - Illit) and was told that that chocolate is produced on the same machines as their milky ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
7 votes

Is the impossible burger possibly kosher?

R Shlomo Aviner was asked about a cheeseburger made with this product and answered that it is permissible for two reasons: since everyone today has seen and knows veggie burgers, there is no problem ...
mbloch's user avatar
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6 votes

Sources for 3 hour time limit (not Rb. Yerucham)

The Mizmor LeDavid (Yoreh Deah 89:6) mentions a 3 hour wait. Its author, Rav David Pardo, lived from 1718-1790. The Chayey Adam (127:10), first published in 1810, mentions a few hour wait. (Although ...
David Kenner's user avatar
6 votes

Waiting six hours when chicken became meat

As documented with sources here, there never was a point in time when the Rabbis decree that chicken is to be considered as meat. The meat-to-milk 6 hours waiting period was a gradual movement ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
6 votes

Can a דבר חריף transfer בליעות into a כלי without heat?

There is a conflict of opinions whether or not a davar charif (sharp food) transfers taste from a meat knife, that it was first cut with, into another [neutral] utensil (see Magen Avraham 451:31) or ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Meals that start with dairy and end with meat?

Rema OC 494:3: ונוהגין בכל מקום לאכול מאכלי חלב ביום ראשון של שבועות ונראה לי הטעם שהוא כמו השני תבשילין שלוקחין בליל פסח זכר לפסח וזכר לחגיגה כן אוכלים מאכל חלב ואח"כ מאכל בשר וצריכין להביא עמהם ב'...
DonielF's user avatar
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Why is the wait between meat and milk not halachically calculated?

Interestingly the Pitchei Tshuva on SA YD 89:1, in the context of eating meat after milk, brings an opinion from Beer Heitev shel Maharit that these could be shaot zemaniot. He quickly writes the Pri ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Where is the source for waiting an hour after eating dairy?

The Zohar that’s referred to is in Parashat Mishpatim 125a which talks about eating meat and milk בשעתא חדא, which can be understood as “within one hour of each other”.
Joel K's user avatar
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Ingredients containing "Powdered Milk" after eating meat within less than 6 hours = Considered as Milk?

This issue in brought up in the book Lilkut Shoshanim volume 5 from Rabbi Elyahu Bahbout, head of one of the most important sefaradic kolelim in Eretz Israel, in pages 172 to 180, which is available ...
Julio GB's user avatar
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How do we know waiting after meat includes drinking liquid milk?

The Rambam מאכלות אסורות in 9:28 mentions milk in place of cheese; מִי שֶׁאָכַל בָּשָׂר בַּתְּחִלָּה בֵּין בְּשַׂר בְּהֵמָה בֵּין בְּשַׂר עוֹף לֹא יֹאכַל אַחֲרָיו חָלָב עַד שֶׁיִּהְיֶה בֵּינֵיהֶן ...
Chatzkel's user avatar
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Kissing when one person is meaty and the other is milky

R. Yosef Elnekaveh answers your question (original Hebrew here and English translation here): אם כך, אם אתם אוכלים באותו הזמן היא חלבי ואתה בשרי ובהיותכם שמחים חשקה נפשך לנשק אותה, נקה את ידך ושטוף ...
mbloch's user avatar
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How is batel beshishim verified practically?

In general Askenazim follow the Rema and do not rely on someone tasting it. See here and here If the question is about a mixture that would be forbidden m'dioraisa if it is not batul in 60, then we ...
פרי זהב's user avatar
5 votes

Are animal fats cooked with dairy issur hanaah

Aruch HaShulchan Yoreh Deah 87:12 (basing himself on the opinion of Rambam) writes that it is forbidden to cook chelev (forbidden animal fats) with milk, but that after the fact one can derive benefit ...
Joel K's user avatar
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4 votes

Do dental instruments need to be toyveled?

Rav Heinemann explains, "Items not requiring tevila include utensils made from metal or glass whose intended purpose is not for food usage, e.g. an arts and crafts knife. Even if the knife was to be ...
NJM's user avatar
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Waiting six hours when chicken became meat

Assuming the premises of your case, one could perhaps address this question based on a question raised in the Talmud: Chulin 17a בעי רבי ירמיה אברי בשר נחירה שהכניסו ישראל עמהן לארץ מהו אימת ...
Alex's user avatar
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Is the impossible burger possibly kosher?

In a Hebrew journal titled HaMashbir, there is an essay (vol. 1 192ff.) on the issue of things (food, clothing etc.) which appear to be of prohibited nature but, in actuality, are permissible and its ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Potential Basar V'Chalav issues with a hot water urn

Now we have a very simple idea over here, okay. See the Tur in the very end of siman צב (that would be in Yoreh Deah) who quotes the Rosh saying that in a situation with two pots, one meat and the ...
Shmuel Koppel's user avatar
4 votes

May sick Jews wait less for meat and dairy

The Chochmas Adam 40:13 says that he can wait an hour and clean their teeth/mouth: ומ"מ לצורך חולה קצת נ"ל פשוט דיש להתיר אפילו אכל בשר בהמה לאחר שימתין שעה ויחטט שיניו לאחר בה"מז (שם)
Chatzkel's user avatar
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3 votes

What parts of an animal, when eaten, would make one "fleishig"?

See Gemara Chulin 114a: העצמות והגידים והקרנים והטלפים שבשלן בחלב פטור If he cooked bones, nerves, horns or hoofs in milk, he is not liable. The loshon is Bedieved only. Baer Heitev SA YD 87, sk 11, ...
kouty's user avatar
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Pareves made on dairy dishes and pareves made on meat dishes in the same meal

There is a dispute whether one can eat parve food made on dairy equipment with meat (and vice-versa). Sefaradim tend to be lenient, Ashkenazim are strict from the outset (lchathila) and often lenient ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Status of food fried with oil that was previously used for meat

The Tur (Yoreh De’ah 89) writes that one does not have to wait between a meat dish and a dairy dish if neither one contains actual meat or milk. The Bach notes that while Semak allows one to eat ...
Gershom Menachem's user avatar
3 votes

Batel b'shisim on a large scale

The Rambam (MT Ma'achalot Asurot 9:10) writes If the milk fell into the sauce or onto all the pieces and it was not known on which piece [the milk] fell he should stir the entire pot so that ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Kashrut of rennet for cheese & Difference between rennet and gelatin

Your first question is a strong question which I have not found answered elsewhere on MY. This other answer to your question answers the second question but doesn't address the core issue of "how can ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Is the impossible burger possibly kosher?

I recently saw in kitzur shlchan aruch that if one cooks meat using almond milk one should place almonds on the dish as a sign. I would think based on this that at most one would simply need some sort ...
Dude's user avatar
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Cheese cooked in meat pan?

The cheese does become not kosher and it would be a sin according to Torah for a Jew to eat it, IF it falls under scenario #2 below, but not scenario #1 below; as follows: (We are assuming the OP is ...
David Kenner's user avatar

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