11 votes

Saying Yaale v'Yavo out loud to remind others during Amida

Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach is quoted in Halichos Shlomo (page 98 note 20) saying that the minhag for the mispallelim to raise ones voice when saying "V'sein Tal Umatar Lebracha" and other similar ...
Shoel U'Meishiv's user avatar
6 votes

Silent Amidah when praying without a minyan

You may encounter opinions that recommend not doing that, based on kabbalistic sources: Pri Etz Hayyim - Sha'ar Ha-Amidah - Chapter 2 אין להתפלל תפלה שבלחש בקול רם, כי בלחש אנו מעמידין יעקב ...
paquda's user avatar
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Saying Yaale v'Yavo out loud to remind others during Amida

The answer of @Shoel U'Meshiv is true and good. I just want to show the inner side of this Halacha. SA OC 236, 2 אין לספר בין גאולה דערבית לתפלה ואף הנוהגין לומר שמונה עשרה פסוקים ויראו עינינו אין ...
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Saying Yaale v'Yavo out loud to remind others during Amida

OU Israel publishes Torah Tidbits, "the largest weekly English-language Torah publication in Israel." This tti tidbits edition says Something that really shouldn't be done - anytime - is to say ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
1 vote

Davening: which parts are recited silently?

Three items that I know are said aloud (I think they are mentioned in Talmud Brachot. I'll edit in location when I find it): יהא שמה רבא.. of the Kaddish ברכו את ה המבורך ... in response to the ...
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Boruch Shem Kevod Malchuso L'Olam Voed - why do we whisper it?

The Netivot has a novel interpretation in Nachalat Yaakov Al HaTorah, Bereishit 49:1. In summary, when the Shevatim said Baruch Shem to affirm their belief in Hashem, they could confidently state ...
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Do we say "baruch shem kvod" in a whisper when not saying Shma?

HaRav Hershel Schachter is of the opinion that it's permissible to say Baruch Shem out loud outside of the context of Keriat Shema, such as when singing Ana BeKoach during Kabbalat Shabbat. The Ben ...
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