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May Jews pray near porta-potties

According to a shiur I heard from a local Rav, a porta-potty has the halachic status of a בית הכסא קבוע, or permanent bathroom, because the waste is contained within the porta-potty itself. Thus it ...
N.T.'s user avatar
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Purim 2020 Skype megilla leining recommendation

Yeshiva University sent out an announcement for their live webcast for 2020: Monday night 7:55 PM EDT Tuesday morning 8:45 AM EDT Available at
Alex's user avatar
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Heter for only doing birkat kohanim on Yom Tov

R Ari Henkin (here) brings two reasons for the custom you mention There are a number of reasons why Ashkenazi congregations in the Diaspora only perform Birkat Kohanim on Yom Tov. The most celebrated ...
mbloch's user avatar
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May sick Jews wait less for meat and dairy

The Chochmas Adam 40:13 says that he can wait an hour and clean their teeth/mouth: ומ"מ לצורך חולה קצת נ"ל פשוט דיש להתיר אפילו אכל בשר בהמה לאחר שימתין שעה ויחטט שיניו לאחר בה"מז (שם)
Chatzkel's user avatar
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Kol Isha and transgender people

Following our discussion in comments, I discussed your question with R Binyamin Tabady, a posek halacha in Israel, who confirmed my initial thoughts. The obligation of kol isha is on the listener. ...
mbloch's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I choose to always be meikil (lenient) in Halachic disputes?

The fundamental answer to this question is no. This has been brought up before and Chazal have stated that the principles by which particular rabbonim analyze situations and obtain a psak must be ...
sabbahillel's user avatar
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Is it lifnei iver if you enable someone to violate a strict interpretation?

The simple general answer is that: If you hold its forbidden but they hold its allowed, then you may help them to do it. But, if you hold its allowed and they hold its forbidden, then you may not ...
David Kenner's user avatar
3 votes

Aiding what you consider sin but he doesn't

The simple general answer is that: If you hold its forbidden but they hold its allowed, then you may help them to do it. But, if you hold its allowed and they hold its forbidden, then you may not ...
David Kenner's user avatar
2 votes

Terumoth and Maasroth in Babylon

To answer the implied question in your title: Yes, there were Terumoth and Maasroth in Babylon. See Yadayim 4:3 which takes this as a given. See also Rambam Hilchot Terumot 1:1.
Joel K's user avatar
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What is the absolute minimum length for peyos?

I like the question, and note that it says "the minimum length of the hairs in the peyos area." (A different and important question would be what is included in "the peyos area".) ...
Yaabim's user avatar
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What is the absolute minimum length for peyos?

All information got from: Cutting the peiyos with a razor is forbidden (Tur in name of Rambam Avodas Kochavim 12:6; Ritva Shavuos 3a). Even ...
Krasen Radulov's user avatar
2 votes

Definition of mini-skirt in Yabia Omer YD 6:14

Looking at both the question and the answer found in Yabia Omer, it is not speaking about adult, married women. It is discussing teenage girls in school only. It specifically is dealing with teenage ...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
2 votes

Is betting on board games/chess gambling

It is very likely forbidden, even more so for Sedaradim but even according to many Ashkenazi decisors. For background (adapted from R Moishe Dovid Lebovits here) The Mishnah in Maseches Sanhedrin 24b ...
mbloch's user avatar
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1 vote

May Jews pray near porta-potties

This answer is based on the halachos found in Sefer אשי ישראל פרק נג׳. As mentioned in a previous answer, porta potties get the same halachos as a בית הכסא קבוע, because the waste remains in place. ...
ASL's user avatar
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Do Jews to have wait for whey after meat

As mentioned in the comments by @sam R’ Elyashiv says it’s mutar. Although, eating them together is prohibited, he says that is an issue of maaris ayin but it is not counted as Bonafide milk for the ...
Chatzkel's user avatar
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Do Jews to have wait for whey after meat

The Star-K has an article discussing mixtures of meat and dairy. While the article doesn't discuss your question directly, it says as follows: One may not derive benefit from dairy and meat mixtures ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Latest time for morning Sh’ma

We find three opinions magen avraham (58:1) - his latest zman will be the earliest of all as he considers day for the purposes of calculating 12 daytime hours to be from Alos to tzeis hakochavim. It ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Leniency for depression on Shabbat?

In the specific context of this Mishna, the Gemara explains that all the permitted cases listed are cases where there is danger to one's life. In these cases, putting out the lamp is completely ...
Jonathan Steinberg's user avatar
1 vote

Can a store owner avoid hashavas avaidah?

As was mentioned in the comments, @gaagu answered to a similar question that: Rabbi Isaac Yosef in ילקוט יוסף writes to the effect that a public sign can effect the transfer of ownership of a lost ...
Uber_Chacham's user avatar

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