Speaking negatively about Rabbis
The Mishnah in Sanhedrin says "... an apikores has no share in the world to come." Commenting on this records the Gemara (San. 99b):
רב ור' חנינא אמרי תרוייהו זה המבזה ת"ח
Trans.: Both Rav and R. ...
Lashon Hara about yourself
R. Yehuda Herzl Henkin deals with this in a responsum (בני בנים ג:יח) and asserts that the story and the halacha are not true.
ובספר עלי תמר על הירושלמי שם הביא סיפור על בעל החפץ חיים ז"ל שנסע
Does Jewish law have a clear position on freedom of speech?
One who blasphemes G-d is executed. Mishne Torah, Avodas Kochavim, 2:7
A Jewish king may execute someone for speaking against him (rebellion
against the monarch). Mishneh Torah, Melachim 3:8
One who ...
The history of Hilchos Lashon Hora
The Chafetz Chaim in his preface seems to address all your questions (and then some!). While the entire preface (and book) is well written (not that it needs my approbation!), I will try to quote some ...
Lashon Hara That 3 people have already heard
This is indeed what the Talmud states:
Arachin 15b-16a
אמר רבה רבה בר רב הונא כל מילתא דמיתאמרא באפי תלתא לית בה משום לישנא
בישא מ"ט חברך חברא אית ליה וחברא דחברך חברא אית ליה
Rabbah son of ...
Full translation of Chofetz Chaim into English?
From what I've seen, the books available at https://chafetzchayim.org/ seem to be a fairly straightforward translation of almost all the works if the Chafetz Chaim.
You can see for yourself if you ...
Would speaking Lashon-harah (slander) for the sole purpose of "venting" be considered *L'Toelet* - for positive Benefit - and thus be permitted?
As mentioned in this other Mi Yodeya answer here:
The Chafetz Chaim in Hilchos Lashon Hara (Klal 6, Sif 4) does give an allowance to listen to someone vent about their day, but only so that they can ...
Disparaging the dead, Lashon Harah
Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky in Emes L'Yaakov (Bereishis 34:37):
I was asked by a student how to explain the fact that the Torah
includes descriptions of what happened with Yosef and his brothers.
Why is one not obligated to give up his life rather than violate Lashon Hara?
As I noted in my answer to a very similar question, R. Isaac Ben Sheshet has a responsum in which he asserts that the Sages often exaggerated the severity of sins in order to prevent people from ...
Lashon Harah for anonymous to'eles
According to R. Menahem HaMeiri the definition of l'shon hara, is speech that is meant to be defamatory or hurtful. Thus, statements of a negative nature that are said for a positive reason (in this ...
Avak lashon hara
The Rambam in Hilchos Deos 7:4 brings a few examples of Avak Loshon Hora:
וְיֵשׁ דְּבָרִים שֶׁהֵן אֲבַק לָשׁוֹן הָרַע. כֵּיצַד. מִי יֹאמַר לִפְלוֹנִי שֶׁיִּהְיֶה כְּמוֹת שֶׁהוּא עַתָּה. אוֹ ...
Lashon Hara And News articles?
The Chofetz Chaim wrote strong words against reading newspapers (see him quoted for instance here) because of lashon hara and bitul Torah amongst others.
In an interesting interview of R J. David ...
Loshon Hora: Chafetz Chaim & Dissenting views
R. Yitzchak Yosef in Yalkut Yosef Mo'adim 406:17 rules that if one spoke Leshon Hara about his fellow, and the victim is unaware of this, he should not explicitly confess his sin to the victim, but ...
Are there any instances in Tanach of Lashon Hara said purely for non-constructive purposes?
In 2 Samuel 16, when David flees Jerusalem after Avshalom's conspiracy, Ziba the slave comes to David with provisions, and claims Mephibosheth that has broken faith with David to join Avshalom. David ...
Imitating Rabbanim
R Avrohom Ehrman, writing in his book The laws of interpersonal relationships, explicitly addresses your case and calls it leitzanut (mockery). Based on Rabbeinu Yonah in Shaarei Teshuva, he describes ...
The limits of shaming someone in public
There's a famous story of Rav Akiva Eiger. At a Shabbat meal, a guest spilled a drink, and in a feat of incredible reactions, the Rav kneed the table and made it shake, feigning like he had tripped or ...
Prevention of Lashon Hara as a protection for military wars
I don't have a source for this, and this is perhaps more of a practical answer than a spiritual one, but lashon hara is particularly divisive - it creates hatred and distrust between people and sinas ...
Lashon harah about someone who leads people astray
Subject to certain conditions if the Loshon Hora is being spoken to keep people away from the influence of those who lead others astray not only is it allowed, it is a mitzvah. Ask your LOR if it is ...
Can one post a negative comment on a site such as Google or Yelp?
The answers to these two related questions (Is upward/360-degree feedback halachically allowed? and Can one publicize a poor experience with a service provider to discourage others from using him?) ...
App featuring material written on Shabbos & lashon hora
The topic of operating apps/sites on Shabbat is complex, an entire book (Commerce and Shabbos) was written on it by R Yosef Y Kushner.
In general it is permitted to write an app that will maybe be ...
Disparaging the dead, Lashon Harah
Rav Moshe Isserles (Rema) states that, as per Shabbat 55b, saying Reuven sinned by sleeping with Bilhah constitutes forbidden speech (Responsa, no. 11). It qualifies as hotza’as shem ra. Presumably ...
Why is one not obligated to give up his life rather than violate Lashon Hara?
Rav Chaim Kanievsky (Doleh U'Maskeh pg.263) was asked this question. He answered that lashon harah is a very grave sin, but one is not chayav misah. In footnote 29 the Orchos Tzadikim shaar Lashon ...
Does Hashem speak Lashon Hara about Sara?
You ask that all aspects of the question presented by the OP be addressed. So first, to restate the specific points enumerated from the OP:
is Hashem indeed speaking L'H, and
is this only permissible ...
Don't disparage the entirety of another person
This sefer cites it in the name of the Divrei Yechezkel of Shinova (R' Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam, 1813-1898, son of R' Chaim of Tzanz):
Edit (by author of question) - Thank you so much! With your ...
Did the Jews speak Lashon Hara while in Egypt
Moshe thought they all spoke lashon hara.. but really it was only Dasan and Aviram.
The rest of klal Yisrael didn't.
(Kli Yakar Shemos 2:14)
Is it wrong to have bad thoughts if you feel bad about them?
Let's focus on one line of your question:
What is the Jewish opinion on wrong thoughts and/or intrusive thoughts?
The key point here is "intrusive". These are thoughts that do not reflect ...
Is it really bad to gossip about a gentile?
If I met anyone who thought it was okay to:
Gossip about non Jews
Sleep with the partners of non Jews
Imply it's okay to steal from or give less advantageous terms to non Jews.
I would consider that ...
Would complimenting someone's physical appearance be considered a problem since it causes the person to become overly conscious of themselves?
Based on this Dvar Torah I wrote, with ideas and sources there, I would conclude that the problem you mention is real, and there is a solution.
The root cause that this would make them feel self ...
Is upward/360-degree feedback halachically allowed?
According to R. Menahem HaMeiri the definition of l'shon hara, is speech that is meant to be defamatory or hurtful. Thus, statements of a negative nature that are said for a specific reason (in this ...
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