8 votes

Are blind men obligated in kiddush levana

Beur Halachah 426:2 cites a dispute among the poskim about this, with Maharshal (R. Shlomo Luria) saying that yes, he should say it (because even though he can't see the moon, others can, and that's ...
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Kiddush Levana after a Lunar Eclipse

Many Poskim do bring it down. The Levush brings it down, also the Aliyah Rabah there. Another few: the Siddur Yaavetz Shaar Hachodesh 4:5, and Mekor Chayim (בעל המחבר חוות יאיר). See Pri Megadim א&...
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Looking at one's tzitzit during kiddush levana

In the shalmei simcha it brings from rav shlomo zalman Aurbach the reason for the minhag is to hint that since in the future the moon will be as bright as the sun, there will be a chiyuv to wear ...
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Looking at one's tzitzit during kiddush levana

The Be'er Heitev says (O"Ch 426:8) in the name of the Ariza"l that one should shake out his clothes after kiddush levana. The Kaf Hachayim addresses this more in depth and says (O"Ch 35:...
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