Is there a connection between Rav Yehuda loving Israel and forbidding the ascent from Babylon to Israel?
R. Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov in his commentary to the passage on 43b writes as follows:
מהראוי להתבונן מהיכן שפט זה דר"י אמר כך משום חביבות א"י שהיה לו ביותר מכל העולם וגם אם תלוי הדבר ...
Which French/European city is "Kiryath Yearim"?
There are two places in France that were known as Kiryath Yearim.
The place called פושקרייא - פוסקרייה - פסאקורי (Posquières) in Provence was known as קרית יערים. Per Wikipedia this is known today as ...
Each generation in which the Temple wasn't rebuilt it's as if it was destroyed anew
After a quick search on Bar Ilan, the earliest source I found it in was Sefer Derech Etz Chaim, which is supposedly written by Ramchal. It also appears in other works from the 1700s, such as this ...
Why is the return to Egypt on boats?
R. Yosef Kara there writes (there) that this was a particular punishment since it included those unable to walk:
אינה דומה שבייה שהשבויים מוליכים ברגל למוליכים אותה באניות, שהשבייה שמוליכים ברגל ...
Why were the Bnei Yisrael exiled to Egypt?
You are asking why bad things happen to good people. The standard answer is that it's somehow part of God's plan, whether we understand it or not. OK, what are possible good reasons why we were ...
Why were the Bnei Yisrael exiled to Egypt?
The Ramban links the start of the 400 years referred to in Avraham's nevu'ah foretelling of Galus Mitzrayim to Yitzchaq's birth and thereby to when Sarah started oppressing Hagar. Chazal say Hagar was ...
Where is the source for the statement "The last exile - the sin is hidden so the end is hidden"?
בפרק קמא דיומא (יומא ט ב):
"מקדש ראשון מפני מה חרב? מפני שהיה בו שלשה דברים: עבודת גילולים, וגילוי עריות, ושפיכות דמים. עבודת גילולים, דכתיב "כי קצר המצע מהשתרע". מאי "כי קצר המצע ...
Should the Ten Tribes observe Chanuka and Purim?
It seems that it is generally agreed that they would have to celebrate Chanukah and Purim (as is the case nowadays with Ethiopian Jews and Bnei Menashe and other groups).
The Chida wrote in Devarim ...
Identity of the Reish Gelutha
Presumably, it would be possible. In two of the three versions of Seder Olam Zutta brought by Neubauer (Version A, Version B), along the names of each Reish Galuta it says some of the sages who were ...
Fourth Kingdom is Aram/Yishmael
This edition of Artscroll on Daniel has a lengthy commentary on this verse which addresses, I hope, your question. Here is a summary of what they write
The identity of the fourth kingdom is a topic ...
Prediction from the Vilna Gaon that America would be the last exile . I am looking for the source?
Zev Eleff wrote an article about this story, here. In it he writes:
It is not possible to verify the historicity of the legend. Rabbi Hayim did not record it, nor is the account mentioned by his ...
Rishon who holds killing in an upward motion is more negligent
I disagree with your presentation of the question, in that as far as I can tell, the Korban Haedah does not seem to be disagreeing with the Rambam, but rather interpreting that same Rambam. H/t to @...
Source for Jews' dispersion in order to sanctify trait of country where they live
Rabbi Gedalia Shor brings from the sefas emes that each nation has a portion of torah that the jewish people took while in galus.
Opinions on when to leave a country
This is a great but difficult question - difficult because it will vary so much by individual. It is well known that there are plenty of reasons to make alyah to Israel (this book is an excellent ...
Rishon who holds killing in an upward motion is more negligent
The Shitta mekubetzes Kesubos 37b says that this is a machlokes between Rashi and tosfos.
אפשר לומר דס"ל לתוס' דגלות לא מקרי כפרה דאדרבה חומרא הוא שהחמירה תורה עליו דלא תסגי ליה בקרבן וכדכתבינן ...
Fourth Kingdom is Aram/Yishmael
The Ibn Ezra is using "Aram" to mean the nation of Rome, which he identifies with Greece (Yavan).
His reasoning is that "Kittim" is the son of Yavan (Genesis 10:4). Onkelos to Numbers 24:24 ...
What is the exile of Yishmael and why it will be harsher than Edom?
Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai writes (Zohar, Va’eira 32a):
וַעָתִידִים בְּנֵי יִשְׁמָעֵאל לְעוֹרֵר קְרָבוֹת חֲזָקִים בָּעוֹלָם וּלְהִתְכַּנְּסוּת בְּנֵי אֱדוֹם עֲלֵיהֶם, וִיעוֹרְרוּ בָהֶם קְרָב, אֶחָד ...
Prediction from the Vilna Gaon that America would be the last exile . I am looking for the source?
Approximately, 200 years ago, Rav Chaim Volozhin told Reb Dovid the following:
“…You should know, my son, that the day will come when the pillars of European Jewry will topple, when the yeshivos ...
Flying to Eretz Yisrael or G-d transporting him to there?
Rambam writes (Hilkhot Teshuva 9:10) that his predecessors (cf. Berakhot 34b)[i] write that there is no difference between this era, and the coming epoch, except foreign subjugation (which will be ...
Why is Edom considered to be "Western culture" and not southern Jordan?
To quote the ParshaBlog:
Shadal writes:
ודע כי אדום האמור בתורה ובשאר ספרי הקודש הוא עם השוכן בין ים סוף וים המלח, ומעולם אין הכוונה על מלכות רומי ולא על אחד מגויי אירופה, וכל ימי עמידת הבית ...
Source that 2nd day Yom Tov is spiritually needed for those outside Israel
Sources found in Yalkut Yosef Yom Tov/Chol Hamoed page 74:
Emunat Chachmim פרק כט
Chidah in Petach Enayim Ketuvot 110b
Ruach Chaim Pilagi Siman תצו
Rav Paalim Chelek א Kuntres Sod Yesharim Siman ו
Why were the Bnei Yisrael exiled to Egypt?
According to R. O. Seforno (Bereishis 46:3) it wasn't a punishment but rather a necessary evil in the formation of the Jewish nation
He writes that had the Israelites stayed in Canaan they would have ...
Egyptian slavery: State or Private?
In the beginning of Shemot it says that the Jews were afflicted with a heavy tax, which implies a relationships with the state.
It could be that this was the slavery or it could be that if a Jew fell ...
How many Jews should live in Exile?
This is a comment not an answer but too long to write in the comment section.
The question in general follows the anti-Zionist viewpoint that Zionism and Jews settling in Israel put Jews in danger ...
Ki Savo: Idols of Wood and Stone
The Satmar Rav (Divrei Yoel Al HaMoadim, Shekalim, Zachor, Purim, p. 54-55 ff.) explains that nowadays, we have different kind of avodah zarah than there was back in the days. He says:
כי הנה כן אנו ...
Why were the Bnei Yisrael exiled to Egypt?
Rabbi Pinchas Fridman in his Shivlei Pinchas (5784, Parshas Shemos) quotes the Arizal (Sha'ar HaPesukim, Shemos) and says:
He [the Arizal] explains in his unique, sacred way that when Adam HaRishon ...
You're a Jew in Israel and it's 70 CE. Where Should You Go for the Best Existence the Next 1900 Years?
A strong case could be made for the island of Djerba off the coast of Tunisia. A group of several hundred Jews led by Temple Service Cohenim arrived there after the destruction of the first Beit ...
What is the purpose of Jews going into exile?
The Gemara Pesachim 87B:
וְאָמַר רַבִּי אֶלְעָזָר: לֹא הִגְלָה הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא אֶת יִשְׂרָאֵל לְבֵין הָאוּמּוֹת אֶלָּא כְּדֵי שֶׁיִּתּוֹסְפוּ עֲלֵיהֶם גֵּרִים, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: ״וּזְרַעְתִּיהָ ...
What is the purpose of Jews going into exile?
On page 12 of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson's (the Lubavitcher Rebbe) book "Torah Studies a parsha anthology", he cites a Midrash (Bereishit Rabbah 39:2) about Abraham's journeys and ...
Moshiach bearing the sickness of B'nei Yisrael
Posting another answer because - the Gemara there isn't necessarily saying Mashiach has to suffer or bear our sickness. Reading precisely again, Rabbanan only said:
ורבנן אמרי חיוורא דבי רבי שמו ...
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