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Cylindrical Tefillin

The Talmud (Menachot 35a) says: תנא: תפילין מרובעות - הלכה למשה מסיני. אמר רב פפא: בתפרן ובאלכסונן. לימא מסייע ליה: העושה תפילתו עגולה - סכנה ואין בה מצוה; אמר רב פפא: מתני' דעבידא כי אמגוזא.‏ ...
Double AA's user avatar
  • 100k
6 votes

Genizah of tefillin: why strict genizah for the head, but standard genizah for the arm?

The source of Ginzei Hakodesh 6:6 can be accessed here He appears to be saying that the bayis of the shel yad (the arm tefillin) does not need to be put in an earthenware vessel and then buried, but ...
Dov's user avatar
  • 33.9k
4 votes

Does Shalom/"peace" need Genizah?

No, the name שלום/Shalom is not one of the Holy names forbidden to erase: Rambam Yesodey Torah 6,2: only 7 names can't be erased/destroyed: ושבעה שמות הם השם הנכתב יו"ד ה"א וא"ו ה"...
Al Berko's user avatar
  • 27.3k
4 votes

Geniza for a carton packing?

The answer is,it depends what type of carton box you are referring to. Rabbi Yecheskel Feinhandler in his Ginzei Kodesh pg. 107:13 writes that a box that is used to transport seforim certainly does ...
sam's user avatar
  • 42.5k
3 votes

Would a printed copy of Meguillat Esther require genizah?

Rabbinical Assembly (Conservative) says yes. Rabbi Joe Blair (Reform or Reconstructionist?) says maybe. Din Online (Orthodox) says certainly. Rashbatz (Shu"t Tashbetz 1:2, quoted by various later ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
3 votes

Slicing up a cake with a verse written on it

Possibly the oldest source we have for this custom is from the Rokeach, siman 196: "It is our forefathers' custom to sit the children to study during Shavuot...and afterwards they bring a cake ...
Harel13's user avatar
  • 26.8k
3 votes

Cylindrical Tefillin

So your new reference to Prof. Amar's book picked my interest, so I took it out of the university library a couple of days ago. Turns out it's really more of a kuntress...but it has great info. I'll ...
Harel13's user avatar
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3 votes

How to dispose of properly old Haggadot?

Since Hagadas have complete Pesukim they are considered a sacred object. Thus the correct way to dispose of them is to place them in Geniza. Here is a link explaining Geniza.
Gershon Gold's user avatar
2 votes

Recovering soiled tefillin

As Kazi bácsi already noted, start with the inside parchment. It probably isn't as odiferous as the hardened outer boxes. Get a Sofer to check them. If the parchments are still kosher then you have ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
2 votes

Cylindrical Tefillin

On page 35a of Masechet Menachot of the Talmud Bavli, Rashi explains that it's a danger because the tefillin could enter his head if he bangs into a door. The Tosfot and Turei Even says that in a ...
chacham Nisan's user avatar
2 votes

Is the Midrash Chad Shenati available online?

All Genizah manuscripts are uploaded to the Genizah website (sign-up, for free, required) and can be viewed in the Cairo Genizah section. The portion of Midrash Chad Shenati quoted all over the ...
Harel13's user avatar
  • 26.8k
2 votes

How should holy objects be buried?

A recent article ("Where Do Good Books Go When They Die? ") in Jewish Link of New Jersey provides interesting details The sheimot need to be buried in a way to preserve them as long as possible, ...
mbloch's user avatar
  • 53.6k
2 votes

Journals that have “Gd” and “B’H, BS”D”, can I throw them away? Why or why not?

Here are sources on the topic - none of which requires putting in geniza documents with the abbreviations you mention Mishna Brura 85:10 permits erasing God's name in a foreign language - a fortiori ...
mbloch's user avatar
  • 53.6k
1 vote

If a Sefer Torah is ripped, what should be done with it

The preferred approach is to fix it as long as it is feasible (and even a badly ripped Sefer Torah can normally be fixed by replacing that part of the parchment - since a safer Torah is constructed by ...
mbloch's user avatar
  • 53.6k
1 vote

Status of books printed by the "Society for Distributing Hebrew Scriptures"

This will likely depend on the status of those non-Jews: are they more like missionaries trying to convert Jews, or like non-Jewish printers who lack intent for kedusha. The distinction starts with a ...
mbloch's user avatar
  • 53.6k
1 vote

Disposing of a CD

This essay, with references, concludes that it is permissible to erase or dispose of electronic files containing the name of God:
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
1 vote

Do these tissues have 4 or 5 rabbinical certifications?

I think 1 and 4 are the same certification, viz that it's suitable for Passover. But that's not what you asked about. I think 5 is the company's own say-so, and refers to an unspecified ishur, ...
msh210's user avatar
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Burial with Geniza

I haven't checked all the sources listed in the various comments. I can tell you from personal experience having been to a few more funerals, lately, than I would care for (I know people die. Never ...
DanF's user avatar
  • 71.2k
1 vote

Does Shalom/"peace" need Genizah?

Minchas Chinuch (437:2) learns from Tosafos (Sotah 10a s.v. Elah) that the name שלום cannot be erased (or destroyed). He notes that his opinion is unique. However, he references the discussion of ...
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar

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