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6 votes

Is Psalm 107:4-7 ascribing the forty years of wandering in the wilderness to Moses refusing to ask for directions?

Goodness no. The "Moses not asking directions" is a famous joke, but just a joke. The 40 years in the desert were a punishment decreed early-on; once the years were up, G-d said "okay, ...
Shalom's user avatar
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5 votes

The Specific Reason for the Plague of Darkness?

There are several middah knegged middah (measure for measure) reasons for darkness: Yalkut Shimoni 182 - The Egyptians sought to completely eradicate the Jews making them no longer "visible"...
Dov's user avatar
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1 vote

Final Three Plagues

I’m curious if these have any special status in Jewish Theology? Tradition groups the plagues in 3s, with the 10th standing on its own (Malbim Shemot 7:14), although with regards to some concepts, ...
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