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Animal charities donations in Hilchos Tzedakah

The Rabbonim of the Beis Hora'a over at Dinonline, were asked a related question. The question was if it is allowed to give maaser (tithe) for the rescue or welfare of animals. They respond saying: ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Shutting lights off during Chol Ha'moed, to save electricity

There are 5 categories of work permitted on Chol Hamoed (from this book on Chol Hamoed laws) Work needed for the festival (tzorech hamoed) Work needed to prepare food Work that must be done to ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Sources and digest about recycling “light” shaimos (e.g. newspaper divrei Torah)

See the discussion here, particularly the source sheet in second answer. Do photocopies of torah need to be put in shaimos?
Josh Silverblatt's user avatar
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Can you shop at a church-owned thrift store?

Rabbi Noah Whittenburg from Yeshiva University - Shoel U’Mashiv says you can shop and donate at the Salvation Army The OU says you can buy from the Salvation Army or a church.
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