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8 votes

English version of SHULCHAN ARUCH

It took several years from the OP but I am pleased to announce that Sefaria has posted most of the original-by-Señor-Yosef-Karo Shulchan Aruch in English:
יהושע ק's user avatar
8 votes

What's a good beginner-friendly collection of aggadah in English?

I think Legends of the Jews by Prof. Louis Ginzberg is the classic work of aggadah. It follows the order of the Torah, and appears in 7 volumes. The first 4 volumes are the actual aggadot, the next ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 49.9k
8 votes

Is there a standard for writing Hebrew words in English letters

The challenge is that there are different ways to pronounce Hebrew. Ashkenazim, Sefaradim, Teimanim, etc. all pronounce words differently. There is a very interesting project called OpenSiddur which ...
mbloch's user avatar
  • 53.7k
7 votes

Is there a short Daf Yomi shiur online in English?

Master Daf is an unusually clear 20 minute daf yomi shiur in english, with every word read and translated, available on all of Shas. Maggid Shiur is a R`m in Slabodka Yeshiva of Bnai Brak........
arthur's user avatar
  • 91
7 votes

Reciting Shema in English

Berachot 13a ת"ר ק"ש ככתבה דברי רבי וחכ"א בכל לשון מ"ט דרבי אמר קרא והיו בהוייתן יהו ורבנן מאי טעמייהו אמר קרא שמע בכל לשון שאתה שומע ולרבי נמי הא כתיב שמע ההוא מבעי ליה השמע לאזניך מה שאתה ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 49.9k
6 votes

Is the English "YHWH" a valid equivalent to the Tetragrammaton?

At lease according to some rishonim, any language other than Ancient Hebrew is not truly a language but rather an agreed upon method of communication (see the Ran in his commentary in the beginning of ...
Joe Howard's user avatar
6 votes

English Names of the Five Chumashim

If you look in midrash and other early sources, you will actually find the following Hebrew names for the 5 books: Sefer Bereshit Sefer Hageulah Toras Kohanim Chumash Hapekudim Mishneh Torah These ...
chessprogrammer's user avatar
5 votes

Is this chart of the mesorah of Torah available in English?

There's a multi-colored one on, the title of the article is "The Torah from Sinai - A Diagram". The content in this page is produced by, and is copyrighted by the author and/or ...
Menachem's user avatar
  • 44.7k
5 votes

Rashi on Nach in English and with Nekudos

The Judaica Press Nach series (with the pink and red dust covers) has every Rashi rendered into English. It does not vowelize the original Hebrew text of Rashi. (This is my experience, having used a ...
msh210's user avatar
  • 73.7k
5 votes

Why would people assume that "Afriki" is Africa?

Maharal (Netzach Yisroel 34) explains that this is indeed not the Africa of today. He proves it from Tamid 32a that Afriki is a place where there are mountains so high so there is never sunlight. Thus,...
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
5 votes

Reciting Shema in English

Mishna Sotah 7:1 אֵלּוּ נֶאֱמָרִין בְּכָל לָשׁוֹן, פָּרָשַׁת סוֹטָה, וּוִדּוּי מַעֲשֵׂר, קְרִיאַת שְׁמַע, וּתְפִלָּה, וּבִרְכַּת הַמָּזוֹן, וּשְׁבוּעַת הָעֵדוּת, וּשְׁבוּעַת הַפִּקָּדוֹן: The ...
Double AA's user avatar
  • 100k
5 votes

Reciting Shema in English

There is a beginner's guide to Shema on the website where it says: The important thing is to understand and concentrate on the meaning of the words. If you don't understand Hebrew, you ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
5 votes

Rav Ruderman interview at Chofetz Chaim

I found here a website which mentions an interview in English that he had with Chofetz Chaim talmidim about the Alter of Slabodka - is that what your friend could have meant? It writes there: I ...
Dov's user avatar
  • 33.9k
4 votes

Online English Rashi (Talmud)

I noticed that on Mercava they have translations for Rashi.
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
4 votes

Translation of the word "nimshal"

According to what I asked here, you will see that english buffs struggle to come up with a good english equivalent. However, I've seen the following used (and the answer there seems to be agreeing) ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
  • 12.6k
4 votes

Rav Saadia Gaon Siddur in English

There is no English translation of R. Saadia's siddur commentary (cf. OP's comment), at present. There is only the original Arabic and Hebrew which was published by Profs. Davidson, Joel, Assaf -...
Oliver's user avatar
  • 12.1k
4 votes

I need a free PDF transliterated orthodox siddur

Hebrewbooks has the modern print of the Tehillas Hashem (Chabad) siddur. This siddur has transliterated certain sections of the prayer services, starting from this page. The transliteration of Kaddish ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
  • 40.7k
4 votes

I need a free PDF transliterated orthodox siddur

I am currently working on a transliterated Chabad siddur. So far I have the Morning Blessings up until the Akedah. You can see my progress here. The transliteration is in Sefardi / Modern Israeli ...
ezra's user avatar
  • 19k
4 votes

Looking for an english translation of targum onkeles

artscroll (here) has started a 5-volume translation and elucidation of Targum Onkelos into English. They have published Bereishit, Shemot, Vayikra and Bamidbar and aim to publish Devarim in September ...
mbloch's user avatar
  • 53.7k
4 votes

Where can I find a transliterated; translated Tanakh?

Here is for the 5 books of Moses
rosends's user avatar
  • 38.5k
4 votes

Torah Study in English

The Torah was written in all 70 languages available at the time in order for everyone to be able to learn it in all languages and fulfill the commandments as written in Sotah 32a: ואחר כך הביאו את ...
user15464's user avatar
  • 11.5k
3 votes

Text of the Mishna Brura (Online English)

There is a website called that has archives where you can search for the digest pdfs that has translation (and more) of the mishna berura. Click on the "location in mishna ...
Eliyahu Chayim Ashen's user avatar
3 votes

Jewish Books on Education

There are a lot of fantastic options that have already been listed, in particular Rav Matisyohu Solomon's sefer and the English translation of Rav Wolbe's זריעה ובנין בחינוך to name a couple. Please ...
Dov's user avatar
  • 33.9k
3 votes

What's the difference between "Jew", "Israelite" and "Judaizer"?

Judaizer is a pejorative term used by Christians to describe those they claim are attempting to change their religion to conform to the laws of Moses. As an example, the Inquisition killed many people ...
sabbahillel's user avatar
  • 43.4k
3 votes

Is there a short Daf Yomi shiur online in English?

There are shiurim called Chazarah Mp3. I don't know who the maggid shiur is, but he is pretty clear and speaks out almost all of the Rashis. His average is between 15-20 minutes a daf. The catch is ...
Yehuda's user avatar
  • 748
3 votes

Is there a short Daf Yomi shiur online in English?

Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld does the 5-minute Daf Yomi podcast on Podbean and possibly other apps. it is usually under 7 minutes, He talks fast and covers the important points. He also tries to draw a ...
Jo Heiligman's user avatar
3 votes

English translations of Rabinnical statements not available?

Just to address the specific sources mentioned in the OP: I. Shulchan Aruch EH 37:8 (Hebrew link): It is a commandment for a person not to marry off his daughter when she is a minor, until she grows ...
Fred's user avatar
  • 17.2k
3 votes

Seforim addressing numbness of heart?

Tanya addresses Numbness of Heart/Timtum Halev in chapters 29-30-31 and here is a link to the text in English:
user16403's user avatar
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3 votes

Teimani/Yemenite Siddur in English

I spoke to an American I know who converted to Judaism and moved to Israel and adopted Yemenite customs. He confirmed that there is currently no such siddur on the market. He says what he did was to ...
יהושע ק's user avatar

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