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Why do many great Tzaddikim die so young?

The Rambam says in the Guide (III.23), in his exposition of Sefer Iyov, that it is necessary for Hashem's justice to be inscrutable in order to give us a correct relationship to Hashem. For if (for ...
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Why do many great Tzaddikim die so young?

The final appendix to Service of the Heart is a letter from Rav Moshe Wolfson ztz”l to a woman who lost a pregnancy. He refers to the kabbalistic concept of the “well of souls,” a repository min ...
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Why do many great Tzaddikim die so young?

In general this isn’t true. Gedoley Torah have a MUCH longer life span than the average person. Even though people are rarely regarded as Gedoley Torah when they are younger than sixty they still ...
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Why do many great Tzaddikim die so young?

The Midrash says: Rabbi Chiya Bar Abba said: The sons of Aaron died the first day of Nisan. Why then does the Torah mention their death in conjunction with the Day of Atonement? It is to teach that ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Is the mourning for a late relative dependent on the state of their relationship before death?

This is no replacement for your Local Orthodox Rabbi, but the mesorah specifies certain relatives and certain talmidei chachamim. It seems there is no explicit mention of the quality of the ...
Shimshon's user avatar
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Three things that women die for during childbirth

I did not see such nonliteral commentary. It appears that the mishna is formulated in a way which is psychologically attuned to women to provide a message similar to the one we have in the beginning ...
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