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Amida together with the chazzan

R Eli Mansour brings the Shulchan Aruch (OC 109:2) that if a person comes late to the synagogue and misses the congregation's silent Amidah, he can still earn the merit of praying with the ...
mbloch's user avatar
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4 votes

Why Sephardim say לברכה after משיב הרוח

Some words are pronounced one way by themselves, but differently when part of a sentence. Ex.: "Land" is “eretz”, but when last word or right before a pause, it's “aretz”. So for "...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Different traditions during the repetition of Modim

Although today in most cases the Chazzan's repetition is not being motzi anyone, there is an instance where he is, and this exact issue is discussed; The Shulchan Aruch 124:10 says in a case where ...
Chatzkel's user avatar
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Davening along with the chazan for tefillah bi'tzibbur

See Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim 109, 2. If one starts the Tefila at the same time as the Shaliach Tsibbur, when the Shaliach tsibur begins Nakdishach {nekadesh for Ashkenazi minhag, Magen Avraham} ...
kouty's user avatar
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Bowing at the end of Modim deRabanan

The Mahadura Chadasha Dirshu (127:1:n7) quotes the Chazon Ish (Dinim V'Hanhagos 4:30) and Steipler (Orchos Rabbeinu 1:p.65) מנהגם היה כדעת היש אומרים בשו"ע לשחות בתחילת מודים וגם בסופו אך לא ...
NJM's user avatar
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2 votes

Why do we still do chazarat hashatz?

The Kaf HaChaim states that according to the Arizal (a "sod") chazaras hashatz is the "ikur tefilah." According to this view, it appears that those who do not listen, pay attention and answer amen to ...
Moshe Rosengarten's user avatar
1 vote

Bowing at the end of Modim deRabanan

This practise is also related in the Rivevos Ephraim, cheilek 7, siman 26, os beis. It writes there: ובמודים דרבנן דבטור ב"י לסימן קכ"ז הובא מחלוקת הראשונים אם לחתום בו בא"ה קל ההודאות,...
Dov's user avatar
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When is it too late to daven with a minyan when davening with sheliach tzibur

See SA OC 109.1 הנכנס לבית הכנסת ומצא צבור מתפללין אם יכול להתחיל ולגמור קודם שיגיע שליח ציבור לקדושה או לקדיש יתפלל והוא הדין אמן דהאל הקדוש ושומע תפלה דינן כקדיש וקדושה (תוספות והרא"ש ומרדכי ...
kouty's user avatar
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When can you start Chazarat Hashas?

The שולחן ערוך seems to contradict himself in this area. In או''ח סימן נה סעיף ו he says that it is ok to say קדיש whilst someone there is sleeping or saying שמונה עשרה and there are only 10 people in ...
Moshe Steinberg's user avatar
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If we repeat amida to help those who cannot otherwise pray, what of maariv?

See Tur Orach Chayim 237 : ומתפללים הצבור בלחש ואין שליח צבור מחזיר התפפילה. וכתב הרמב"ם ז"ל (הלכות תפילה פרק ט' הלכה ט') הטעם לפי שאינה חובה. ‏ The congregation pray silently and the ...
kouty's user avatar
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Why do we still do chazarat hashatz?

Rabbi Sacks has a nice answer to this, not on a pshat level (I can't remember where, probably in Covenent and Conversation). He says that the Jewish people have two representatives of the people: the ...
bondonk's user avatar
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