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11 votes

Where can I buy a Yeshivish fedora online?

I've never used them, but friends of mine have ordered from The home page says that their price is $55.
MTL's user avatar
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Why don’t Sheretzs made into a Streimel convey tumah?

Once a hide is tanned, even a bit, it no longer conveys impurity (Chullin 9:2).
Double AA's user avatar
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hat and jacket during davening

If this is a practical question, CYLOR. It is a machlokes: Rav Chaim Kanievsky (Sheilas Rav p. 194) says better to daven alone with a hat than daven with a minyan without a hat: On the other hand, ...
NJM's user avatar
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Where in Brooklyn can I buy the round chasidish hat?

Google brings several results: Goorin Bros. Hat Shop 181 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211 (718) 599-4287 Ferster Hats 5101 New Utrecht Ave #1, Brooklyn, NY 11219 (718) 854-6768 They even have a ...
ezra's user avatar
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Which Black Fedora fits Chabad?

My advice is to find some rabbi or neighbors you trust and ask them what sort of hat they buy, and where they buy it. If you want to blend in, that is.
Shalom's user avatar
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Are fedoras Lo Yilbash on a woman

As long as the garment is worn by women generally that they sell it in the women's section of a department store, it is not a problem of lo silbash. The exact guideline (based on Darkei Teshuva 182, ...
HalachaOnline's user avatar
1 vote

Origin of wearing a hat

This is actually a very complicated question. I will begin by discussing any religious or Torah requirements regarding a head covering, then talk about hats and their relationship to Jews. There is ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Which Black Fedora fits Chabad?

My suggestion is to dress consistently which means to not mix different styles of different groups. You can learn what this means by speaking to your Rabbi but here are some examples. Each group has ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Where can I buy a Yeshivish fedora online? is running their grand opening sale and selling their wool hats reg. 65.99 for only 36$ and free shipping!! Great for bar mitzvah boys starter hats or weekday hats can't go wrong for ...
Shawn K's user avatar
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