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10 votes

According to Kabbalah is it okay to have a pet dove?

It's one of the stipulations of Rabbi Yehuda Hachassids ethical will: לא יגדל אדם תורים ובני יונה בתוך ביתו (ע' סי' תתרל"ח). לפי שהבית אשר יגדלו בה או ימותו בניו או לא יהיה לו זרע. One should ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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8 votes

Black Raven bad luck?

In Sanhedrin 65b: תנו רבנן מנחש זה האומר פתו נפלה מפיו מקלו נפלה מידו בנו קורא לו מאחריו עורב קורא לו צבי הפסיקו בדרך נחש מימינו ושועל משמאלו The Sages taught: The enchanter mentioned in the verse (...
josh waxman's user avatar
5 votes

Black Raven bad luck?

In a similar vein to @joshwaxman's answer - it is worth noting the Gemara in Shabbos 67b הָאוֹמֵר לְעוֹרֵב ״צְרַח״, וּלְעוֹרֶבְתָּא ״שְׁרִיקִי וְהַחֲזִירִי לִי זְנָבִיךְ לְטוֹבָה״ — יֵשׁ בּוֹ ...
Dov's user avatar
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Birdseed and Bal Yeraeh

If the kernels have never got damp, they will not have become chometz. OU Kosher has an article on “Tempering” (spraying grain kernels with water before they are milled). The article states that ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
4 votes

Why is it considered "good mazal" to have a bird drop on you?

It has no source in Jewish literature as far as I know. The superstition is actually of Turkish origin (at least according to here). It's possible that the superstition made its way into Jewish ...
ezra's user avatar
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4 votes

Shiluach Hakan - mitzva details

Answers to your question are taken from Star-K's article. Q Which birds qualify Only kosher birds are eligible for this mitzvah. When determining which birds are kosher to eat, we require a ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
3 votes

Why don't the birds get the bracha of פְּרוּ?

Interesting to note that the שיטה מקובצת כתובות דף ה עמוד א points out that the reason why the Gemara there write's that newlywed's should have relations on Thursday, is because of the ברכה של דגים ...
shayachagigah's user avatar
3 votes

Black Raven bad luck?

This website does not seem to have a problem with thinking that a raven can be a sign for those on a sufficiently high madregah to understand what the sign is.
pcoz's user avatar
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Where is the rule of mesorah for birds derived from

Conveniently R Nathan Slifkin has a full article titled Why do we need a Mesorah for Birds? which aims to answer your question. You'll have to read it in full to get the full depth of the answer, but ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Shiluach haken on injured birds

Yes, and it applies even if the kosher spicie bird is definitely treiffed. See SAY"D 292:1 The sending of the nest is only practiced with clean birds, even if the mother is torn, and even if ...
Nissim Nanach's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a list of kosher duck species?

According to the Chasam Sofer (shu"t YD 74) wild geese (ducks?) are not kosher, citing Tzemach Tzedek (Siman 29). The Star-K seems to rule in accordance with this position and will not certify ...
Naftali Tzvi's user avatar
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Kinnim mix-ups with different numbers of pairs in each group

My (un-sourced) understanding is that the difference is that the end of Kinnim 2:3 is dealing with a case where an entire group of birds can no longer be offered. This means that they attain the ...
Joel K's user avatar
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What is the kosher status of quail and pheasant and other similar birds? How do they differ from turkey?

Unlike the turkey which is a North American bird and whose path to becoming kosher is a great story of its own, OU writes there was a tradition to eat certain types of quail (it was eaten by the ...
mbloch's user avatar
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2 votes

It is same species if offspring can have offspring (source)

Your looking for Chullin 62a זרזיר הוא מין עורב שכן נאמר בעורב למינו להביא את הזרזיר Kesef Mishne on Rambam hilchos Maacholos Assuros 1,20 says that 2 things are required for it to be considered a ...
user15464's user avatar
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Avraham drove away the birds

There are two answers to the significance of these birds provided by 1) "Rashi explains ...
NJM's user avatar
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Do the sages give any sort of insight as to why humans and land animals were created AFTER birds and fish?

It seems that you have two questions: First, "Why weren't all types of animals (mammals/birds/fish/swarming creatures) created on the same day, and the creation of humans reserved for a day of ...
Benjamin Davidson's user avatar
2 votes

May Jews eat chicken before the usual waiting time after eating hard cheese

Thank you @Double AA for your comment, I have edited my answer Rema in Yoreah Deah 89:2- To wait 1 hour after eating hard cheese in order to eat chicken Aruch Ha’shulchan Yoreah Deah 89:11/Badi Ha’...
Avishai Tebeka's user avatar
1 vote

Is a bird muktzeh on Shabbat

In Masechet Shabbat 128b, it says one is forbidden to move on Shabbat domesticated animals, wild animals, or birds. The Ra'an says because living creatures are not suitable for any work on Shabbat, ...
Avishai Tebeka's user avatar
1 vote

Do the sages give any sort of insight as to why humans and land animals were created AFTER birds and fish?

According to Rabbenu Bachaya on 1:24, based on Bereshit Rabba 7:7, man was created on the same day as the land animals because the phrase "נפש חיה" (living soul) on the 6th day, in pasuk 24, ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Covering the blood of the Metzora’s bird

Rambam Hilchos Shechita 14:2 וְנוֹהֵג בְּחֻלִּין וְלֹא בְּמֻקְדָּשִׁין. בֵּין קָדְשֵׁי הַמִּזְבֵּחַ בֵּין קָדְשֵׁי בֶּדֶק הַבַּיִת. וְאִם עָבַר וּשְׁחָטָן אֵינוֹ חַיָּב לְכַסּוֹת אֶת דָּמָן
Chatzkel's user avatar
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Why don't the birds get the bracha of פְּרוּ?

The Or HaChaim writes that the bracha was a temporary condition: ‎ויברך טעם שהוצרך ה' לברך שרץ המים מה שלא עשה כן בנבראים היוצאים מן הארץ. ועוד לו שגם בתולדות המים עצמם הטיל קנאה שלא בירך שרץ העוף. ...
Shimshon's user avatar
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In Gittin 45a was the Captive who ידע בלישנא דציפורי a soothsayer?

The Ramban (Deuteronomy 18:9) understands that this is a form of divination called טייר which was prohibited by the Torah. This science determines what will happen in the future by examining the birds'...
b a's user avatar
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How to bring kinnim after having mixed up birds

The rule is that one who is doubtfully obligated in a chatat ha’of (as opposed to a chatat beheimah) may in fact bring one. It is treated in the same way as a regular chatat ha’of except that it may ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Sanhedrin 108b: What type of bird is the tushlami?

Chullin 62b (as cited by Rashi on the amud you quoted) also mentions the tushlami, and there the Soncino Talmud has a note possibly identifying the bird as a wood-lark: Possibly the crested lark, ...
ezra's user avatar
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What is the Shaḥaf according to Ḥizquni?

This edition of Chizkuni says it means אישפו"ט which means נקר, which is a woodpecker.
Harel13's user avatar
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History of using a feather quill for safrut

It is permissible to use feathers as well as reeds and even metal nibs (as well as plastic once invented). The differences in use was more related to writing properties and the type of klaf (parchment)...
binyamingavriel's user avatar
1 vote

How do we know that penguins are non-kosher?

From here Regarding birds, the situation is much more complex. The Torah lists twenty-four species that are non-kosher. All others are acceptable. Thus, in theory, if a person knew the precise ...
user6591's user avatar
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Did Elisha get his tefillin back?

The Ateres Yehoshua (רב יהושע קרלנשטיין) offers a unique perspective on the Sugya: The wings never turned back to Tefilin because Hashem doesn't perform miracles without purpose. He also offers an ...
user6781's user avatar
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Torah view on the Chicken or the Egg?

the chicken came first, then the egg adam created when he was age 20, also דא"ר יהושע בן לוי כל מעשה בראשית (לקומתן) נבראו לדעתן נבראו לצביונן נבראו שנא' (בראשית ב, א) ויכלו השמים והארץ וכל צבאם ...
igal_ab47's user avatar
1 vote

Torah view on the Chicken or the Egg?

The Talmud in Rosh HaShnanah 11a brings the opinion of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi that all the animals were created in their mature form. So according to him the chicken came before the egg.
ezra's user avatar
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