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Mitzvah - commandment. This tag is for questions about the nature of commandments or the status of being a commandment. (However, many particular commandments have their own tags.)

2 votes

Why are there no special mitzvahs of Shavuos

An answer from (I assume based on some talk or letter by the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt"l, although I haven't found the specific one) is that this demonstrates that the Torah is not just a set of …
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  • 91.1k
10 votes

connection of obligation to keep mitzvos and sexual maturity

Let's start with the fact that the usual description is that a child below this age doesn't have daas. What is daas? R' Shalom Dovber Schneersohn zt"l, the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, defines it (in Kun …
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9 votes

What is the source for Mesirath Nefesh being a virtue?

To start with, there is the commandment in the Torah (Deut. 6:5): ואהבת את ה' אלקיך... ובכל נפשך ובכל מאדך ("You shall love Hashem your G-d... with all of your soul and with all of your might"), whic …
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4 votes

Fulfilled the Mitzvah of writing a Sefer Torah then lost the Sefer

Minchas Chinuch (mitzvah 613) discusses this. … mitzvah is to write one (and once that's done, it's done). …
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4 votes

Punishment for mitzvos asey?

Or in the formulation of Tanya (Iggeres Hateshuvah, ch. 1), האור נעדר - the Divine "light," that should have been drawn down by the mitzvah-action, is missing. …
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11 votes

Why isn't there a single, centralized Sanhedrin today?

The criterion for a Sanhedrin to have the powers that you enumerated (and a lot of others too) is that its members have semichah (ordination) that goes back, in succession, to Moshe Rabbeinu. Such sem …
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11 votes

Why are most mitzvas impossible to keep?

Maybe that's just it. With exile having been our dominant mode of existence for most of our history, there is a real danger that we'll come to see that as the norm. By having - and learning about - so …
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6 votes

Why does the Rambam (Maimonides) equate all sex outside marriage as prostitution?

Rambam himself writes (in his Book of Mitzvos, Negative Commandment 355) his explanation of the relevant verses: G‑d (exalted be He) has already instructed us in the Torah that a man who has rel …
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9 votes

Do a mitzva for mashiach?

I think that the question presupposes that the coming of Moshiach is a reward for our work during the era of exile, and in that case that's a fair point, since we're supposed to do mitzvos "not in ord …
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5 votes

Significance of number 613 regarding the mitzvot

Tikkunei Zohar (introduction, 4b, passim) associates these with the verse (Ex. 3:15, זה שמי לעלם וזה זכרי לדר דר - "This is My name forever, and this is My remembrance for all generations." The refer …
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5 votes

What is the connection between joy and divine love in Rambam's mitzva #3?

A few lines further down he spells it out more: שבהשתכלות תבוא לידי השגה, וימצא לך תענוג ותבוא האהבה בהכרח - contemplation will lead to understanding, then to enjoyment, which will necessarily result …
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9 votes

"עם לבן גרתי"? Really? "עם לבן ברתי" maybe

So according to this approach, the fact that Yaakov in fact married two sisters is neither here nor there: he accomplished that mitzvah in a spiritual dimension, just like all of the others. How so? …
Alex's user avatar
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14 votes

Avot keeping Mitzvot

"speaking of the higher worlds but hinting at the lower ones" (Shaloh), and that it is "a parable from the Primordial One" (I Samuel 24:13, as explained in Torah Ohr, Miketz 42b and elsewhere); each mitzvah
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