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Questions with this tag relate to laws of food or anything pertaining to food.

10 votes

Did each person recieve the same amount of Manna (from heaven)

Shach al ha-Torah (to Ex. 16:17) states that the figure of one omer per person was actually averaged out per family. In other words, he says, adults might end up with more than an omer apiece (since o …
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4 votes

Karpas - What do you use?

Another one popularly used is onion. Per this answer to a previous question, there are also people who use bananas.
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1 vote

Is there a minimum amount of dough to separate challah without a bracha?

According to Isaac Moses' understanding of the question, the following might be a reason not to separate challah when the dough is below the minimum size: The halachah is that even after baking, loav …
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1 vote

What blessing is recited before eating hearts of palm?

Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 204:1) says Shehakol. Mishnah Berurah (ibid. :9) explains that even though it grows from the ground (and thus by rights ought to be Ha'adamah), it is downgraded because "pe …
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8 votes

Where does the custom to spill off from a drink come from?

It's from the Gemara, Chullin 105b (bottom): ואמר אביי: מריש הוה אמינא האי דשדי מיא מפומא דחצבא - משום ציבתא; אמר לי מר, משום דאיכא מים הרעים "Abaye says: I used to think that the reaso …
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3 votes

Coffee Urns left out throughout the week?

The footnotes there in Shulchan Aruch Harav refer, among others, to a letter by the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt"l (Igros Kodesh, vol. 2, pp. 143-145), in which he discusses this issue. He concludes that this …
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9 votes

What Bracha did they make on the Mahn?

Sforno (to Ex. 16:27) states that the people who attempted to gather man on Shabbos would thereby have performed the forbidden labor of oker (uprooting something from the place where it grows), a subd …
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6 votes

Different flour:oil ratios in the mincha sacrifices -- how did the dough stay together?

Indeed, as Menachem commented, it's not necessary to assume that they were made into a dough. No kometz (handful) was taken from such menachos (see Rambam, Hil. Pesulei Hamukdashin 18:8), so it may no …
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20 votes
2 answers

In what way are mushrooms considered "non-nutritive"?

The Mishnah (Eruvin 26b) states that water and salt can't be used as the food for eruv chatzeiros or eruv techumin (thus Rashi; according to Tosafos only the latter). … If, instead, we define "food item" and "nutritive" simply in terms of whether they satiate a person, then don't mushrooms do that too? …
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20 votes
4 answers

Can you walk and chew gum at the same time?

Rambam (Hil. Edus 11:4) writes (translation from here): ...base people are disqualified as witnesses by Rabbinic decree. This refers to people who walk through the marketplace eating in the presen …
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7 votes

Making a Bracha on disliked foods

It may depend on what exactly is the circumstance forcing you to eat this food, and also on whether it is objectively bad-tasting (like bitter medicine) or simply that you personally don't like it. … He adds that if the food is bad[-tasting] and the eater gets no enjoyment from it, then indeed he need not say a berachah. …
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20 votes

why create non kosher animals?

Also, some of them are also useful to us in capacities other than food: consider horses, camels, etc. …
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5 votes

All about Kreplach

R' Shneur Zalman of Liadi gives a Kabbalistic reason for the custom (cited here, note 11). In brief, it's based on the idea that lambs (and, I guess, meat in general) represents middos (emotions), whi …
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6 votes

What is better: checking vegetables yourself, or buying them pre-checked?

I know that R' Avraham Blumenkrantz zt"l wrote very sharply (in his annual Pesach guide) against what he called the "commercialization" of checking for bugs, the standards for which, he argued, are in …
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5 votes

What is the significance of the Diet Information in Shas

There might be a few possible reasons: It might indeed be "plain old giving food and health advice" - maintaining proper health is important in being able to serve Hashem without disruption, after all … The list in Kesubos of the good qualities of dates, then, supplements this, and helps us understand better how they are indeed an ideal cheap and nourishing food. …
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