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The Rambam, or Maimonides, was a famous 12th century Rabbi, philosopher, and physician. He wrote the Mishneh Torah and the Moreh Nevuchim (Guide to the Perplexed).

4 votes

Where did Rambam say he wrote a book about prophecy?

Adding to @Alex's answer, this is also mentioned in Rambam's Commentary On The Mishna: In his Introduction to Perek Chelek: "And a hundred pages would not suffice just for this matter - and even if …
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2 votes

Mitqaddešet mean "Engagement"?

As @PloniAlmoni noted, the usage of Mitkadeshet by the Rambam and in most other sources refers to the betrothal-marriage process. …
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Source for Rambam sourcing his writings

I have heard a number of times over the years that everything the Rambam wrote was based on some source that he had before him, and therefore when he writes something that we don't know the source for, … Does the Rambam himself state that everything he wrote is based off of sources before him? Are there other rabbis who have stated this about the Rambam? …
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2 answers

How many times must a prophet be tested?

Rambam in his Introduction to his Commentary on the Mishna writes: "...And when the one prophesying is fit for prophecy, according to that which is appropriate, we say to him, "Prove [yourself] to … The Rambam writes "many", but what does that mean? …
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What kinds of statues does the Rambam mean we shouldn't put our mouths on?

Partial answer: It should be noted that the Rambam is basing himself off of Tosefta Avodah Zara 7:3: "פרצופות המטילין מים לכרכין לא יניח פיו ע"פ פרצוף מפני שנראה כנושק לעבודת כוכבים אבל מקבל בידו ושותה …
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3 votes
2 answers

Question on Shmonah Prakim

Then Rambam proceeds to bring evidence that Pharaoh did evil of his own free will: " Scripture plainly states, (Exodus 1:9-10) "And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of … Why did the Rambam bring evidence from a different Pharaoh? …
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7 votes

Who were the Sabians?

As to the identity of the Sabeans, Rambam in his commentary on the mishnah in Avodah Zara 4:7 writes: "ועיקר זה באומה הנקראת צאבים והם האומה שיצא אברהם אבינו ע"ה מביניהם וחלק על טעותם וסברתם המקולקלת …
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What was the Halachic base for establishing the inheritance of the Great Sanhedrin Presidency?

Similar to what @Mordechai wrote, Rabbi Avraham Orenstein wrote in his book "Hanesi'ut Beyisrael" (The Princehood in Israel), pg. 15: "בתקופה הראשונה, בזמן שסדרי בית הדין הגדול היו קיימים, היתה האפשר …
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4 votes

Source for R' Shimshon of Sens's views on Rambam

"The Rash sided with the opponents of the Rambam in their disputes." and "reproached Rambam for not having indicated the Talmudic sources in his Mishna Torah" - possibly a reference to one of the letters … Rabbeinu Shimshon sent to the Ramah on the subject of the Rambam dispute. …
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Did the Rambam consider all of these men prophets?

In his Introduction to the Mishna, Rambam wrote (emphasis mine): "Until came the time of the men of the Great Assembly – and they were Chaggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Daniel, Chananiah, Mishael, Azariah, …
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10 votes

Source for this Rambam quote?

It's from Rambam, Hilchot Teshuva 3:4: "..לְפִיכָךְ צָרִיךְ כָּל אָדָם שֶׁיִּרְאֶה עַצְמוֹ כָּל הַשָּׁנָה כֻּלָּהּ כְּאִלּוּ חֶצְיוֹ זַכַּאי וְחֶצְיוֹ חַיָּב. …
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8 votes

Sources on the Rogochover and Islam

And whoever sees this will see that according to his view, all of the teachings of the Rambam are like Tohu and meaningless, for all that he ruled was out of fear from them [the Muslims], and it seems … for they ruled [like the Rambam] in halacha, and even the Rashba in Torat Habayit and all the commentators mentioned above didn't opine so. …
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15 votes
1 answer

When did idolatry begin, post-flood?

Rambam famously describes how idolatry began in the days of Enosh (Hil. …
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Tzafenas Paneach and the conversion of Rus

must explain that at first they converted when they married, but Ruth did not put her faith in this, for perhaps it was due to the marriage that she converted, as we find by Shimshon and Shlomo, as the Rambam
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Is there Maamar Tekhiyat HaMetim from the Rambam online version in English?

Yes, you can find an English translation here. The translation is part of the book "Maimonides - Crisis And Leadership" by Avraham Halkin and David Hartman and includes translations of some Rambam's …
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