This is in addition to what [WAF]( and [annex]( have written. From the book [_The Rebbe: The Extraordinary Life and Worldview of Rabbeinu Yoel Teitelbaum_](, page 440: >The Yeshiva curriculum was based on the education the Rebbe received from his teachers and ancestors in previous generations, and the same curriculum followed in the Yeshivas of the Chasam Sofer and his Talmidim. There was a "shiur pashut" on Gemarah, Rashi and Tosfos. There were times to study Shulchan Aruch, the weekly Parsha with Rashi, and the works of Mussar and Chassidus. And there was the "shiur iyun" on the sugyos of the Talmud. The purpose of the shiur iyun was to delved into a sugya, touching all the places where it was discussed in the Talmud and the poskim, to iron out difficulties in the words of the Rishonim and Achronim, and to establish the halachic conlusion.