This [related question][1] touches on the book of Maccabees. I was wondering if Jews believe the content of Maccabees (I-IV) is true, even though it is outside the canon. If any of the Rishonim or Acharonim ever mentioned this book (especially I Maccabees) I suppose that would answer the question. I know that the narrative mentioned there differs from the way it is presented in Megilat Antiochus (which was accepted R Saadia Gaon and Halachot Gedolot). As a follow-up, if it turns out that Jews do not believe the content to be true, then is it permitted to read the book? [ I glanced through I Maccabees and noticed that I didn't see any mention of the miracle of flask of oil burning for 8 days ... or any mention of miracles for that matter. I was always under the impression that the Maccabim was only Matityau and sons and a few more Chashmonaim, wheras there - the Chashmonai fighters are in the thousands The death of Nikanor and Antiyochus are also presented differently in Maccabees. Then it dawned on me that it may have been wrong of me to read through it in the first place. ] [1]: