You're reading it wrong. It's > וכן למר / and also for Mar. When you wished the Bam community a good _Adar_, Isaac noted that Mar also deserved a good _Adar_. After all, he was an important part of the entire Purim story. He's the one who originally ([_Gitin_ 62 _amud_ 2]( said Haman deserved no honor: > אמר מר נוטל הימנה כדי / Mar said Haman gets nothing; in fact, when everyone else was bowing to Haman, he ([_Kidushin_ 33 _amud_ 1]( stood erect: > אמר מר יכול יעמוד מפניו / Mar said it's possible to stand before him. Later, when Haman was to lead Mordechai around on a horse, it was Mar who ([_Avoda Zara_ 29 _amud_ 1]( suggested that Haman first cut Mordechai 's hair: > אמר מר ישראל המסתפר מעובד כוכבים / Mar said a Jew should get a haircut from a gentile. He was there at Esther's party to ([_Z'vachim_ 116 _amud_ 2]( expose Haman: > אמר מר ועובדי כוכבים בזמן הזה רשאין / Mar said idolators nowadays are evildoers. When _Achashverosh_ heard that, he left the party for a turn in the garden, but Mar was still there ([_Horayos_ 13 _amud_ 2]( when _Achashverosh_ returned: > אמר מר יצא לצורך נכנס ויושב במקומו / Mar said, he left for a purpose and entered; let him sit in his place, upon which ([_Bava Kama_ 13 _amud_ 2]( Mar suggested getting rid of Haman: > אמר מר כשהזיק חב המזיק / Mar said the one who damages is liable to be damaged, and ([_Z'vachim_ 116 _amud_ 2]( announced Haman's death: > אמר מר אין לך כל שר ונגיד / Mar said you have no minister or officer. After that, he was instrumental in setting up Purim as a holiday. He's the one who suggested ([_Rosh Hashana_ 20 _amud_ 2]( reading the _m'gila_ twice: > אמר מר צריך שיהא לילה ויום / Mar said it must be done night and day; he's the one who suggested ([_Bava M'tzia_ 23 _amud_ 2]( how we should celebrate on Purim: > אמר מר חביות של יין / Mar said, barrels of wine! and he's even the one who ([_Chagiga_ 4 _amud_ 1]( instituted the practice of having a second reading of "_Zachor_" for women: > אמר מר זכור להוציא את הנשים/ Mar said "_Zachor_" to exempt the women. Of course he deserves a happy _Adar_!