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Al Berko
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Making Everyday Like Yom Kippur

I have toyed with the idea of importing an aspect of Yom Kippur into my everyday life and am constantly looking for (homiletically) a connection which would draw the essence of Yom Kippur into every day life. I think I have found one and am looking for sources which might have made this connection before (and more eloquently than) I have.

One thing which makes Yom Kippur unique is that during it, there are five shmoneh esrei-prayer services (maariv, shacharit, musaf, mincha and ne'ilah) as distinct from weekdays (3 Amidah services) and holidays (4).

However, when one sees the Chazarat Hashatz repetition as a distinct prayer experience, then daily, oneexperiences 5 prayer services (3 Lachash and 2 Chazarat Hashatz, at least as subject of fanciful homily).

Are there any sources which draw together the 5 shmoneh esrei services on Y"K and during every day?

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