[_Yoreh De'ah_ 148:1](http://www.sefaria.org/Shulchan_Arukh,_Yoreh_De'ah.148.1) says, in part:

> שְׁלשָׁה יָמִים לִפְנֵי חַגָּם שֶׁל גּוֹיִים עוֹבְדֵי אֱלִילִים אָסוּר לִקַּח מֵהֶם וְלִמְכֹּר לָהֶם דָּבָר הַמִּתְקַיֵּם. וּמֻתָּר לִמְכֹּר לָהֶם דָּבָר שֶׁאֵינוֹ מִתְקַיֵּם עַד יוֹם חַגָּם, כְּגוֹן יְרָקוֹת וְתַבְשִׁיל.

R' Pesach Feldman [translates](http://www.dafyomi.co.il/azarah/halachah/az-hl-002.htm):

> Three days before the festival of idolaters, one may not buy from them, or sell to them something that lasts. One may sell something that will not last until the day of their festival, such as vegetables or a cooked food.

Is the above law still applicable nowadays?

(To learn about the reasoning behind the law, see [here](http://www.dafyomi.co.il/azarah/backgrnd/az-in-002.htm).)