Regarding the purposes of the sun and the moon, Breishit 1:18 says (my translation):
"To rule during the day and the night, and to separate between the light and the darkness. G-d saw that it was good."
There are a few things puzzling me in this verse:
1 - The moon is visible during the day as well as the night. If so, doesn't it "rule" during the day as well as the night? However, the sun, I snot visible at night. So, what does the word "AND" in the beginning of the verse, where it says, "To rule during the day and the night mean regarding the sun? Or, is this to be translated differently and it does not apply to both the sun and the moon?
2 - Aren't light and darkness opposites? The verse implies that the moon would be used to separate between light and darkness. But, if the moon is providing light at night, then there is no more darkness. So, where is the distinction, or how is the moon being used to make any type of separation?