Wow. Just saw this over Yom Tov. *Rav Avigdor Miller on Tefillah*, just published (2021), by R' Yaakov Astor, quotes from his shiurim. [He says in the introduction that some of the quotes were lightly edited. I couldn't tell which shiur it came from.] Anyhow, p. 127: > Question: In P'sukei D'zimrah there are so many selections from > Tehilim, and the Rav has told us that every word is a gem and an > opportunity for perfection of the mind. But can one really concentrate > on so many verses and so many different thoughts? > Answer: Certainly > not. And therefore, you shouldn't even try to to say everything. Just > to rattle off words and not gain any da'as, is worthless. It's not > completely worthless, but it's just about worthless. Instead, take > your time. "Tov ma'at tachanunum b'kavanah m'harbeh b'li kavanah - > Better to daven a small amount with concentration, than to daven a lot > without concentration. Say a little, but think about what you're > saying. Study the words and understand what you're saying. That's the > real achievement in davening. Now, of course, if you have a great > deal of time, you can start davingin three hours before the tzibbur, > and you'll be able to do justice to a good part of the P'sukei > D'zimrah. But whatever it is, you should spend time using your head in > davening, not just your lips. "You shouldn't even try to say everything."