While Kiddushin is a necessary step in a Jewish wedding, all marital obligations only apply after Kosher Nissuin ([Rambam Ishut 10][1]).

Nowadays we make Chuppah with some variations for Ashkenazis and Sefardis. I'd like to focus on the standard Ashkenazi tradition: 

- Signing the Kettubah
- Walking the couple into under the Chuppah
- 7 rounds for the bride around the groom
- Kiddushin ceremony
- 7 Brochos and breaking the glass
- Cheder Yichud (staying in a secluded locked room usable for marital relations).

Let's take the husband's monetary obligations to heal his wife (I think it's better than burying or paying a ransom). I imagine that at any stage the bride can have, say, an asthma attack (or break a leg or worse).

After what stage exactly would the husband be obligated to pay his wife's medical expenses?

  [1]: https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/952884/jewish/Ishut-Chapter-Ten.htm