As reported [here][1] [R Shlomo Goren][2] proposed to change the text of *[kiddush levana][3]*, the monthly blessing on the moon's renewal

> the answer began to emerge within hours of the historic Apollo 11 moon
> landing [...], the word came from Israel where Gen. [R] Shlomo
> Goren, the Armed Forces’ Chief Chaplain, issued instructions about a
> change in the prayer for the blessing of the new moon which is said
> each month. The old blessing was worded:
> *As I dance before you and cannot touch you, so my enemies will not be
> able to touch me.*
> and it now reads
> *As I dance against you and do not touch you, so others, if they dance
> against me to harm me, they will not touch me.*
> Rabbi Goren’s version of the prayer is actually an old one found in
> the Talmud in Masekhet Soffrim [מסכת סופרים], chapter 20 [section 2]

For further reactions, see also [Rabbis and the Moon][4].
