I borrowed (with permission) [a question from Ahmed Han][1], which is:

> People of every religion claim that they are the ones in the right
> path. Even the people of sects in these religions think that they are
> on a better path than the peoples of other sects are on. How come
> could they be so sure?
> As a Muslim, how can I be sure that my religion or sect/madhab/path is
> the rightful one? How can I be sure that there isn't any other
> religion sent by Allah which is better than Islam, but it is wrongly
> advertised so that I think that it is wrong?

**Change some words and we get:**

People of every religion claim that they are the ones in the right path. Even the people of sects in these religions think that they are on a better path than the peoples of other sects are on.

As a someone who believes in Judaism, how can you be sure that the religion is the rightful one? How can I be sure that there isn't any other religion sent by God which is better than Judaism, but it is wrongly advertised so that I think that it is wrong?

  [1]: http://islam.stackexchange.com/questions/2278/how-do-we-make-sure-that-we-are-on-the-rightful-religion-path