The _Talmud Bavli_, _Suka_ 46 _amud_ 2, cites a difference of opinion as to how long an _esrog_ and a _suka_ are _muktzim l'mitzvosehen_, set aside for their respective _mitzvos_ and forbidden for use for other purposes:

> _R. Yochanan_ said: An _esrog_ is forbidden on the seventh day [of _Sukos–Sh'mini Atzeres_] and permitted on the eighth; a _suka_ is forbidden even on the eighth. _Resh Lakish_ said: An _esrog_ is permitted even on the seventh.

_Rashi_ explains that _Resh Lakish_ holds the _esrog_ is permitted after it's used.

It's not clear (to me) from the Talmud and _Rashi_ what _Resh Lakish_ holds about _suka_. However, from the wording quoted above it seems to me that he agrees with _R. Yochanan_. Moreover, my kid assumed (or learned?) that that's what _Resh Lakish_ holds.

The Talmud continues:

> _R. Papa_ said to _Abaye_: According to _R. Yochanan_, what's the difference between _esrog_ and _suka_ [that the latter is permitted on the eighth day and the former is not]? He told him: A _Suka_ is fit for twilight (if he happens to have a meal [then], he must sit in it and eat in it) is _muktza_ for twilight, and because it's _muktza_ for twilight it's _muktza_ for the whole eighth day. An _esrog_, which is not fit for twilight, is not _muktza_ for twilight, so is not _muktza_ for the whole eighth day.

My kid asked:

According to _Resh Lakish_, an _esrog_ is forbidden during twilight at the start of the seventh day, yet becomes permitted during the seventh day. Yet a  _suka_ is forbidden for use all of the eighth day because it's forbidden during twilight of the eighth day. What's the difference? Why isn't a _suka_ permitted for use after its usage time is done, i.e. after twilight, just as an _esrog_ is permitted for use after its usage time is done?

I will be glad to learn that _Resh Lakish_ in fact does not agree with _R. Yochanan_ about _suka_ and holds that it become permitted for use after twilight, assuming that someone finds better evidence for such a claim than the wording of the Talmud or the existence of this question (or ones like it).